Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I Am Alive!!!

Okay so I decided that it just might be a good idea to post something and let everyone know I'M ALIVE. My Christmas was probably not like your Christmas seeing as how I was getting over the flu and my sister went into the hospital with pancreatitis, but we had Christmas nonetheless. My sister is now out of the hospital and we are, as everyone else, slowly moving into the new year. It's about to be over. I honestly feel like it was just last month that it turned 2014 and now here we are moving into 2015 but that is going to be another post. 

I have to say despite being sick I have enjoyed the gifts I received:

  1. Soft robe
  2. Amplified Bible
  3. Praise and Worship Bible
  4. Audio Bible Set
  5. "Praying Through the Names of God" by Tony Evans
  6. #hushrocks DVD series from the church (sermon series)
  7. All my gifts from the sweet parents at the daycare:)
  8. GIANT teddy bear from my boyfriend
  9. Popcorn from his mom
And no, not necessarily in that order:) It has been a pretty good Christmas (I always love getting new bibles and devotionals) and the other stuff is cool too. Most of all I love the reason for Christmas. CHRIST came. I enjoying celebrating this wonderful fact by gathering with fellow believers to worship Him during the candlelight service, and by posting Christmas devotionals. We should never stop celebrating this but something seems special about the way we celebrate it during this holiday. 

I hope you have all enjoyed this Christmas as much (maybe more) that I have. I pray that the Lord will bless you all exceeding abundantly and if you would like please comment below and tell me about your Christmas. Love you all!!! =D


Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Flu and Christmas

That's right. I said it. The flu. I have been sick with the flu for three days now. I am tired, I am achy, I am dizzy, and this is NOT fun. I honestly think this is my first experience with the flu and quite frankly I would prefer that it be my last but something tells me, since I do work at a daycare, that's probably wishful thinking. I have had two kids go home in the last two weeks with high fevers of 102.9 and 103.3. Both were crying, really red faced, and shaking. I know how they feel because I think I have experienced their pain in the last three days. Friday I left work with a fever of 102.2. Crashed at a friends house because 1. The plan was for us to have a Christmas movie night and 2. There was no way I could drive home with how dizzy I was. Everyone at church knows that I must have been sick even if they weren't told simply because if you know me, you pretty much don't expect me to be out of church unless I am near death or in the hospital, in fact I would rather be in church anyway but even I felt bad enough that I decided (without being forced) to stay home from church). On a brighter note as we are about to be officially in the week of Christmas I feel decently better than yesterday with only a slight fever, dizziness, and I am very sleepy. 

Now some of you just looked at that last part about being sleepy and are saying to me (your computer screen really) "STOP BLOGGING AND GO TO BED, YOU'RE SICK!" I would probably agree with this accept I have slept away most of the day after watching the church live stream, and if I don't stay up for a few hours I will be up a half a dozen times tonight even with NyQuil, and if I am up a half a dozen times tonight I will be miserable tomorrow. Sadly, with all of this going on I have to call into work tomorrow, believe it or not, while many of you think that should be a good thing I am actually kind of sad about it. However, I would never wish the way I have felt on my worst enemy therefore I would rather say home and get better than pass it on to people I care about. 

Finally, the part of the post I was looking most forward too. As you go about your last minute plans to prepare for Christmas, be it groceries or gifts, stop and take a moment these next few days to be still before the Lord, quite your heart before Him, worship, and remember that the whole reason we celebrate Christmas is because CHRIST came to earth. May the Lord bless you all richly this CHRISTmas season! Love you all! 

In Christ,

P.S. Please keep my family and me in your prayers so that we who are sick may be healed and the one who isn't (mom) may remain completely healthy! In Jesus' name!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Well ladies and gentlemen the week of Thanksgiving is finally upon us. NOW it is okay to fully decorate for Christmas! Our tree is up and decorated (though I will be honest, we did it about a week ago), I have my room partially decorated (which I am excited about because I have never really decorated my room for Christmas before) and I am sure soon we will all break out the Christmas goodies. Now, as many of you know I posted about a week or so ago that it was FREEZING!!! However, if you went outside yesterday it was almost 80 degrees!!! That's Alabama weather for you, it makes absolutely no since...

So Thursday we will all have the opportunity to gather with family and/or friends and celebrate all that we are thankful for. God has blessed me with so much that the thought of all I am thankful for is overwhelming. What about you? What are you thankful for most this year? Here is my top 20 list, not really in any particular order:

  1. I am thankful for my God
  2. I am thankful for my family
  3. I am thankful for my church (GFBC)
  4. I am so very very VERY thankful for my worship family at GFBC, my heart is overwhelmed every time I have the opportunity to come together with such an amazing army of God.
  5. I am thankful for the worship leaders at GFBC, those three amazing people are on fire for God and so very encouraging to the rest of the worship ministry. 
  6. I am thankful for my friends, (they keep me sane... or make me weirder... yeah probably that one)
  7. I am very thankful for the sweet guy that God has just recently brought into my life:)
  8. I am thankful for my pastor and for the passion he has for the Lord
  9. I am thankful to be a student at a pretty awesome school (Grand Canyon University)
  10. I am thankful to live in a country where I can own as many bibles as I do and use every one of them publicly
  11. I am thankful for my job
  12. I am thankful for my co-workers
  13. I am thankful for good God conversations
  14. I am thankful for a roof over my head
  15. I am thankful for the passion and love God has put in my heart for Him. 
  16. I am thankful for the passion and love God has put in my heart for worship. 
  17. I am thankful for Great News!!!!!
  18. I am thankful for the gift God has given me to write.
  19. I am thankful for the gift God has given me to play and sing music.
  20. I am thankful for you. For each person that passes through on here or on my Great News!!!!! blog (or Facebook) and takes the time to read, like or even share the (sometimes crazy) things that the Lord lays on my heart. Thank You!!!
God has blessed me so richly and I promise you these aren't even all of the things I am thankful for. I pray that you will take time this week to sit down and make your top 20 list. Meditate on the blessings in your life:)

On a final note I want to make everyone that is not on my Facebook or in my life aware of the new change as far as my schooling. As most of you know I have been pursuing my degree which was B.A. in Christian Studies with an Emphasis in Biblical Studies. This past week the Lord touched my heart on the way to work about the love He has placed on my heart for music, the gifts He has given me to play and sing music, and the heart He has given me for worship. I prayed about this for a few days and received an email from my school letting me know that they have added a new program to their Christian Studies programs. Before I go any further you should know that I was told before I ever enrolled that there were no worship classes for online students. The new program is the same degree except instead of the Emphasis being Biblical Studies it is Worship Leadership and it is for online students! This past week I changed my Emphasis to Worship Leadership. To say that I am nervous would be grossly understated. I have no idea where God is going to take me with this but I trust Him and will follow Him wherever He leads. Now some of you may be wondering and I want you to know that I feel no leading to walk away from Great News!!!!! or public speaking, but I feel like this is just something that God has added and while I'm nervous, I am also very excited to see what He does.

I hope you all have the most amazingly, richly blessed Thanksgiving in the Lord!!!! Count your blessings this week and be sure to thank God now and every day for everything He has given you. God bless you my friends! I love you all =D HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014


Living in Alabama is really an experience wether you are like me and you've lived here all of your life or you're someone who has moved here. If you don't already know, the weather in Alabama is crazy, illogical and sometimes unpredictable. Monday and Tuesday of this week were nice and decently warm. However the last three days have been FREEZING. We go from 70 degrees one day to 20 the next. Somewhere in Alabama is supposed to get SNOW this weekend!!! S-N-O-W! THE WHITE STUFF THAT FALLS FROM THE SKY AND, sometimes, STICKS TO THE GROUND! Mom made a good point the other day, she said that she can't remember there ever being snow in November. TECHNICALLY we are still in the middle of Fall. THIS ISN'T WINTER. My kids at the day care are starting to get sick, kids are getting fevers and not "feeling good" through the afternoon and then another kid, and another and another and yes... another. It's like a never ending cycle of sickness and the only thing that breaks it is Summer. 

Now let me just say, I generally like Winter weather. However, as previously stated in posts before this one, I can not stand the sickness that comes with Winter. Whatever the kids get, I usually get it. Not to mention, I feel like the cycle of sickness is going to start off ten times worse because it was such a sudden and drastic change in temperatures. 

Some of you aren't going to like what I am about to say but it's okay, just take deep breaths and realize that I am not a weather person and there is still milk and bread in the stores.... well... as far as I am aware that is. I want it to snow. DON'T FREAK OUT!!! I don't want it to snow right now. Let's get past Thanksgiving before we actually start the snowy weather, but I do want snow. It would be nice to have snow right around Christmas:) Are you still breathing? You just un-followed my blog didn't you... it's okay:| Go ahead... go get your milk and bread, I'll wait....

You back? I knew you would be. Now I would like to make a suggestion. If it does snow, you should take the opportunity that you are stuck inside, assuming that it is the kind of snow that prevents travel, to really dig deep into God's Word with your family or by yourself. Don't get me wrong you should be doing that now and every day, but during the time that you would normally be heading to work or somewhere else, you should turn off everything that distracts and dig deep into the Word. Spend some time with Jesus, and even put on some music and worship Him in song:) Yes... IT IS FREEZING, but let's make the most of the freezing weather when ever we get the chance. You never know, God may make it snow to give you rest and to get your undivided attention on Him instead of the things of the world. Just remember, if it does snow, you can't control the weather so stop trying to think of how if it goes away soon you can still get to work. Thank God for the break, and honor Him. 

Am I thinking too far ahead... okay well, have an amazing day=P May the Lord bless you richly! STAY WARM!! =) Frost bite is real people!!!!!! ;)

Till next time....

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Holiday is Approaching...

I realize that I have posted several different posts about Christmas and my excitement for it to get here. I have told you that I enjoy listening to Christmas music (even if I do think it is so wrong that they put it on the radio before Halloween got here) and I am excited for all of the beautiful lights and even a little excited for the cold (but not the sickness that is going to come with it). So having said all of this, I would like to point something out that really only occurred to me this past week. Do you realize that we only have two months left in the year 2014? I feel like just last month we were welcoming in the year and now we are about to say goodbye to this year and hello to 2015. It almost seems to me like each year is flying by faster than the one before it. Thinking about that reminds me of a verse:

"Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." - James 4:14 (ESV)

Isn't that amazing. The Bible says that we are a mist that appears for a little time and then we vanish. Psalm 39:5 reminds us that to God our entire lifetime is just a moment and that at best, each of us is but a breath! How amazing is that? 

So this past week Gardendale started putting up their snowflake power pole lights. The colder it gets, the more accepting I become of this but on warm nights I find them kind of odd and out of place. However on the nights that it is cold, I turn on the Christmas station as I am leaving work to give the night a more Christmasy feel, but (and I know this is probably weird) when the snowflake lights are out of sight the station is changed back to 93.7 or a choir CD. So with these random things posted for the world to see, I am going to get off of here and try to go to sleep. I am SOOOOOOO excited to go and worship the Lord with my worship family tomorrow. I know it is going to be so incredibly awesome!!! =D Have an awesome night/day in the Lord!!!!

P.S. Just wanted to share a piece of scripture that jumped out at me during my study time tonight: "So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead even though you have to endure many trials for a little while." - 1 Peter 1:6 (NLT)

I pray that you are greatly encouraged by this verse, I know I was! =)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Two Pennies and a Message

God did the most awesome thing last night. This morning I had the opportunity to speak at First Priority at my former high school. Since I was asked to do this Monday night I started praying continuously for God to lay something to speak about on my heart. As the sun went down yesterday I still didn't feel what God wanted me to speak on, I stopped off at Walgreens on the way home and used cash (which I never do) and as I walked out, God finally answered my prayer (in His timing) when I opened my hand and saw two pennies. Yes, it does sound crazy, I know but keep reading it gets better. I had been given a very shiny penny and a dirty penny. As I stared at the two coins in my hand my eyes grew wide as the Lord began speaking and I listened. As I went home I told my parents about what God had spoken to me and my mom made it better, she gave me a filthy, chipped (broken) penny. With these two pennies God gave me the message I was to speak to the students this morning.

Think of this with me for a second. Jesus is the shiny, spotless penny. We are the broken, filthy penny. When Jesus died on the cross He covered our sins with His blood. Now think of that shiny penny covering that dirty, filthy, broken penny. You can't see the filthy anymore... THAT'S WHAT JESUS DOES TO US WITH OUR SINS!!!! 

"We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags." - Isaiah 64:6 (NLT)

We are like FILTHY rags! We are impure, unclean, infected, broken with sin and Jesus comes in and cleanses and purifies us! HE MAKES US LIKE HIM!! THIS IS THE GOSPEL!!!!! Is that not the most awesome thing?? There wasn't a whole lot of students in there but God allowed me to look at some of them and watch the expression on their faces change as they really just... got it. It was such a blessing to be able to speak there this morning and I pray that God allows me to have more opportunities in different places to speak before long. So that's what God gave me. Two pennies and a message, and wow wasn't it an awesome message:) 

May the Lord bless you richly!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Signs In The Sky

I usually don't post things this close together, but I had to share this. If you are on my Facebook then you have probably already seen the picture that I shared of the clouds that looks like Jesus on a horse with an angel behind him. I have seen several comments from the original post about this being fake and as I sat asking God to give me a reason to believe it wasn't He reminded me that I have seen an image in the sky that was just as clear as the one in the picture. This past Sunday morning on the way to church, though I didn't take a picture of it, I saw very clearly a cloud that looked like an angel blowing a trumpet. I saw that image with my own eyes, not in a picture in the sky and that can't be faked. Someone commented on the picture saying they know cloud formation and that the picture was faked because clouds don't do that (and yes I am paraphrasing how he said it) but I have news for you, God can do ANYTHING. 

So with that being said I have posted the picture below and just want you to take a good look at it:

When my mom first showed me the picture a song immediately became stuck in my head and I have been singing it all day. "Day's of Elijah", I have posted the song below, listen and you will hear why. I hope that this has really touched you and reminded you that as Revelation 1:3 in The Message bible says, "Time is just about up." 

Friday, October 17, 2014

God is BIGGER than ______________.

I want you to take a moment to fill in the blank. God is BIGGER than __________. Take something that you are currently struggling with; school, work, finances, trust issues, fear, lies... and fill in the blank. It doesn't just have to be one word, express your weakest self, knowing full well that He is BIGGER. While you do that let's talk a little bit about why I am asking you to do this.

Most of you on Facebook have seen, I'm sure, the God Is Bigger movement. I have a bracelet to remind me that He is but in the last few days I have become so overwhelmed with some things that I am losing my grip on this truth. When I open my bible there is a quote that I wrote down after having seen it on a church sign on my way to work, I took a picture so you could see it below:

"Let your faith be BIGGER than your fears."

I am sharing this with you because as I flipped open and read that quote over and over and over again today I found myself crying, my heart writhing in pain because I realized that my fears about certain things in my life, far exceed my faith... I feel like I am powerless against my fears (and please feel free to comment on what God says about these feelings) but I feel like I am being held under water because of these fears, worries, and concerns about things that could NEVER be in my control. I know that the Word says God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity but one of power, love, and a sound mind. I try my best to cling to that when I feel most overwhelmed by my fears. My insecurities. My stress.

I am weak. I am allowing you to read that here. I am opening my heart and allowing you to know that I am broken and I am weak... but I know... no matter what... I am loved. I am cherished. I am HIS.

Greater is He who is living in me than he who is living in the world. (1 John 4:4)

So let me fill in the blank for my life. God is BIGGER than my every fear, every temptation, every doubt, every insecurity, every trust issue, every hurt, every bit of stress, every concern or worry, He is bigger than my anxieties, He is bigger than my finances, He is bigger than every lie that Satan is trying so hard to convince me of and quite honestly God is bigger than ANYTHING I could ever face. 

So now it's your turn. Take some time. Allow God to bring it to your mind and fill in the blank. Speak it out loud, shout it from the rooftops or at least to the top of your lungs where ever you are at right now. CLAIM IT! Right here. Right now.

God is BIGGER than _________________.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Worship as a Lifestyle

Something has occurred to me recently that I don't guess I have really consider: Worship is not just an activity or an action, but instead, a lifestyle. Our entire lives, the in's and out's, the up's and down's, in everything that we do, we should be worshiping God. God created us to worship Him, we are worshippers. So why is it that we only seem to consider worship as singing a few songs. There are plenty of "lifestyle" choices that are being made in the world. People choose to have a lifestyle of being gay, or partying but as Christian's should we not choose a lifestyle of worship? Stop arguing over whether or not we should accept the lifestyles of non-believers and start shining through the darkness with the lifestyle of a WORSHIPPER!

Starting this week I am going to make every effort to live a lifestyle of worship. Because of certain struggles I have been facing my mentor has recommended, that I fill as much of my time as possible with reading the Word, and listening to praise and worship music. Now don't get me wrong this should always be our goal, struggle or no struggle and I have always enjoyed doing these things but now I need to increase these things in my life as much as possible. I think doing this will be a great help to me as I begin to make worship a lifestyle, and NOT just another church activity, as so many of us have sadly made it.

So will you join me? Will you stop worshiping on just Sunday's and Wednesday's and start worshipping all day every day? Will you stop allowing worship to be just another church activity and start making it a lifestyle? I can promise you, God will change your life in ways you never expected if you do:)

I know this is a short post so this next statement is probably kind of sad but this actually took me about three days to write... I know... sad. Truth is between work, church, school, study time, and family it was a lot harder than I thought to write a post this week. I know you understand:) Hopefully next time it will be a bit easier=D May the Lord bless you richly and far beyond all you could ever hope or imagine! May the Lord help you to make worship a LIFESTYLE from this day forward. =D Love you all!!!! =)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I Have a Lot of Children

For those of you that know me you know that I work at a daycare, in fact some of you reading this may be the parents of the children that I keep every afternoon (please keep reading). When I say I have a lot of children I mean it. I didn't give birth to them, I have no legal right to them, I am not their mom, and in some situations I am not their teacher. If you bring your child to the daycare I work at odds are once I meet that child whether they are in my class, have left "graduated" from my class, eventually coming to my class, or are to never set foot in my class they are still mine while they are there. For most of them I have changed their diaper more than once, I have kissed more invisible "boo boo's" then I can count, I have rejoiced over counting (correctly) from 1 to 10, I have potty trained, cleaned up accidents, tied shoes, found socks, cleaned up spilt water, spilt milk and dried the tears caused by the spilling of the milk. On some occasions I have held children close and rocked them doing every thing I could to soothe them as they screamed and cried because they had a fever well above 101 degrees and their parents hadn't quite made it to the daycare yet. So parents please be aware when we call you to let you know that you child is extremely sick, there is someone (be it me or another teacher) who is holding your child close and comforting him or her until you get there, and quite often we get whatever they get but we would do it again because they are ours while they are at that daycare.

I can honestly not tell you how many times I have had to go back up to someone and let them know that I work at a daycare because I have went on and on about "my" kids and how they have; learned a color, learned to count from 1 to 10, learned to use the potty, told a crazy and funny story, learned to walk, learned to talk, and so on and so forth. I remember when I was on the baby hall and had my first, first steps moment with one of the kids (had another parent walked by they would have thought she was mine) I was so excited and went from room to room to room making sure every teacher saw that she was walking and (yes I did make sure they got just as excited before I walked away). I reacted the same to the two kids that did so afterwards as well. Not only did I get excited in the daycare, I stayed excited after I went home and proceeded to tell my family (in detail) about each child and their first steps.

There is one last thing that I want each parent reading this to be aware of, not only do I love your child tremendously, but I pray for your child AND your family. I pray that your child will be a mighty warrior for God and that they will serve Him all of their lives. I also pray for you (parents) that you will trust in God, that you will find strength and peace in Him, and that you will never be discouraged. I pray so much more than all of this over you and your families. When I walk into the classroom in the afternoons, before I ever wake the kids, I get on my knees and I pray; for my kids, my co-workers, the day and yes I pray for me too. When I sub for a morning teacher the first thing I do as I walk in and start preparing the room is start praying for the same things. Please never doubt that when you leave your children with me, they are loved, cared for, protected and prayed for. Things happen, your child might get bit by another child but it DOES NOT mean that we didn't do what we could to prevent that from happening. We are not perfect people but we do our best to take care of your child while they are with us. If you sit down and you think about it 9 times out of 10 your child is with me more than they are with you. PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME, you work and I get it, sometimes you are off and you need that break and it's okay! I don't mind having your child but it is a fact that I see your child more than you do in a day, Monday-Friday. So, please find comfort in the fact that when you walk out that door headed towards work or wherever, and you leave your child with me, they are mine. I love them and will take care of them to the best of my ability until you come back.

So, now I am going to go and get ready for work. I am going to go and be with these kids whom I love so very much. I would ask that you would pray for me and my co-workers because while we love your kids, we also have many others. I have 9. It takes a lot of strength to care for 9 2-3 year olds. This is my life. God has put me where I am and while He may move me later in life, for now I am right where He wants me. I have A LOT of children and I love them all. =)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I'm so Excited!!!

Yep, you've probably guessed the reason for my excitement correctly. IT'S WEDNESDAY!!!!! Okay, part of my excitement I will admit is because we are half way through the work week and it has been a rough work week. However, the bigger (much BIGGER) reason is that I get to go to church tonight! If this is your first time reading my blog than you should probably know that I have two favorite days of the week every week, no matter what. Those days are Sunday, and Wednesday. I LOVE my church. I also LOVE my worship family (again if you are new, that's a BIG thing and there is a post to help you understand just how much I love each person in my worship family). I look forward to these days with excitement every week, I think if they took away one I would probably cry because that is one less day that I get to go to the house of the Lord and worship with the people of the Lord. So, tonight not only do I get to go worship God with my brothers and sisters in Christ, I get to go downstairs after the service and worship with my worship family.. so yeah, I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!! If you are not new you may be getting tired of reading this because I have been pretty repetitive in the last few weeks, and while I am kind of (not completely) sorry for my repetitiveness I am not sorry for the reasons that I keep repeating myself:) I have an AWESOME God, an AMAZING church, and a beautiful worship family! I want people to know! =D God has blessed me so much more than I ever thought He would, and far beyond what I deserve.

Don't you want the excitement I have? Find true love in Jesus:) That's all it really comes down to.
If you know me personally or even if you just kind of know me (some choir members, it's okay I don't know all of you either but I LOVE YOU JUST THE SAME!) and you want a "GOD IS BIGGER" bracelet ( just find me and you can have one:) It's a good reminder.

To my worship family: I will see most of you tonight, and I absolutely CAN NOT wait to worship with you during practice! =D I love you all, and may the Lord bless you richly! =D

P.S. If you come in contact with me today (and if you work with me you will) please be aware that I am sorry for how annoyingly excited I am going to be throughout the day and also for how much more annoying I will get closer to time for church:) Well.... I'm only a little sorry =) PLEASE feel free to follow =D

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Well, in just a few short hours my first college class will officially be over and my second class will start. It doesn't feel like so long ago that my family and I were sitting down and coming to the conclusion that God just didn't want me at college. Now here we are more than a year later and God opened the door back up and carried me through class number one. I am finishing out strong with a 99! These past seven weeks have flown by faster than I ever expected. I am excited to start my second class but more than that I am excited to start my actual theology classes. I know that the Lord will get me through all of these classes by His grace, EVEN MATH! God is bigger than anything and I am praising Him with all of my heart for helping me through this class:)

Anyway, today was AMAZING. Another amazing day with my worship family praising the God that we all love. I enjoyed getting to walk in with my fellow choir members as our orchestra and band played "I am a Friend of God" while we greeted the members of the congregation. My heart is so overjoyed each time I get to stand in the choir loft surrounded by such wonderful people. I am so much more than blessed! I would ask that you would pray for our worship pastor as he is in Georgia for revival at a church there, and also pray for Pastor Kevin who will join him for two night services there.

This week, if the Lord is willing, I get to post new devotionals on Great News!!!!! I know that it is going to be AWESOME! I know we just got done with Sunday but I honestly can't wait for Wednesday. After what I know will be a wonderful service I get to go downstairs for choir practice and I can't wait! This is a short post but I hope that you found something to enjoy about it:) May the Lord bless you exceeding abundantly! May His favor be poured out upon you! May He fill you with more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control than you have ever know before! May your eyes be opened to the wonderful blessings that God has placed in your life! I love you all! =D

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

It Keeps Getting Better

So if you have kept up with my blog then you saw my last post, the one where I addressed my worship family. I let them know just how much I loved them and to be quite honest I was a little shocked at the response. I had 88 views… 88 in two days! I was overwhelmed by the comments and messages I received and while I didn’t know that it was possible for my worship family to bless me more than they already have, they did. I was brought to tears by each of the responses.

If anything was accomplished from that post I simply think that it just increased my inability to describe how much I love each person in the GFBC worship ministry. I am so incredibly excited that I get to go and worship with these wonderful people once again tonight on stage and then again during choir practice. My heart is so overjoyed that there are once again no words for me to describe what I am feeling. I pray that someone reading this knows this same feeling when it comes to the people the Lord has blessed them with.

In other news, it is finally Fall! Walking outside to cool air and a nice breeze is so refreshing. I know that this means we are one step closer to Winter, which means one step closer to non-stop sickness for my co-workers and I, better known in my family as the “Daycare Curse”. While I am not ready for that, I am ready for the cooler weather and yes, I am ready for Christmas.

For those of you that haven’t yet received an update, school is still going great! I currently have a 99.35, and I am currently in my last week of my first class! I am praying for the next several classes to pass by quickly because I am ready for my Theology classes but I know that everything will happen in the Lord’s time and His timing is perfect!

I can't wait to see what the Lord does throughout today. He has blessed me so much in the last few days and tonight will be no exception I am sure. When I checked the order of service I was surprised to see that all but one song we are singing, are some of my favorite songs for my personal worship time. It makes me think that God has something special for me tonight:) I can't wait! May the Lord bless you richly and beyond measure today! =D

Monday, September 22, 2014

To My Worship Family

Dear GFBC Worship Ministry,
I want to publicly tell each and every one of you that might read this, just how much I love you all. You are more than just people that I get to worship with on Sunday's and Wednesday's. You are my family. I can not really put into words the overwhelming love I feel for each of you when I get to see you all during services or practices and while singing with you. While there are far too many of you for me to know each of your names, I pray for the choir, orchestra, and praise team as often as the Lord brings you all to my mind. It is such a blessing to be able to stand with so many people that have such a strong love for the Lord and want to use the gifts that He has given them to show it.

When I stand in the choir loft, the choir suite, on the stage, or in praise team practice, I am always overwhelmed by the love I feel for all of you and the joy that I feel getting to praise God with each of you. I can't tell you enough how much I love all of you, but may the Lord allow each of you to know the love that He has put in my heart for you. If you can't grasp anything else of what I am saying please know these two things. You are my worship family and I love each of you so much more than I can explain.

To our three God fearing, Spirit filled worship leaders: While everything above is for you as well, thank you so much for all that you three do to keep things running. Thank you for praying for each of us, for encouraging us, and for leading us. God's hand is on each of you and we couldn't ask for better leaders. Not only do you encourage us to sing or play out for the glory of God, but you encourage us by your lives and walks of faith. You work hard and it is appreciated more than the three of you will ever know. May God pour out His blessings on each of you in overwhelming waves!

Thank you all so much for loving God and allowing Him to use you for worship at GFBC. I look forward to worshiping with each of you again soon! May the Lord bless and keep you!

In Christ,
Kelcy =)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Confession Time

I have a problem. There I said it! I have a problem. I have a problem! My name is Kelcy Parker and I am a foodie. I love to cook, I love to eat (I really love to eat) and I absolutely abhor all forms of cleaning related to the kitchen and other large messes. It’s a thing. My husband will definitely have to take cleaning duty for the pay of really good food. I think that is a fair trade don’t you? I don’t have one of those right now so I guess it doesn’t really matter (a husband that is).

            Anyway, there is a movie I am sure you are pretty familiar with called “Julie & Julia”. There is obviously a LOT of food in this movie and therefore it causes two things to happen in my brain. Number 1: I become very, very hungry. Number 2: I start having this increasing urge that is almost unbearable to cook amazing food that I know I am capable of cooking, but as I said it’s the cleaning factor that really stops me because if I am being honest, my problem extends to making huge messes when I cook. Maybe I just need a husband that enjoys cleaning…. Yeah cause that’ll happen!

            I’m getting off subject…. Something that not a whole lot of people know about me is that I was once very determined to go to culinary school and was talked out of it by a few people that did know. Something about it being hot in the kitchen and a very fast paced job (oh by the way… I tend to take forever when I cook big meals). At least I think I do… I may be wrong on that but you would have to ask my family that question to be sure. I know for a fact that I take forever when it comes to cooking breakfast when bacon is involved BUT it should be noted that I use one pan for all of the food and make a minimal mess with breakfast. Why am I telling you all of this? Well… I don’t really know why to be honest. Guess I just thought I would give you a peak into my thought process for the day. Now you know, God blessed me with the ability to cook and maybe one day I can do something with that ability for Him! Any ideas? Have an amazing, richly blessed rest of the day in Jesus! =)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Little Slice or Two of Heaven

I was sitting and listening to an AMAZING song that we are getting ready to sing at church by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, and as I was doing this I started to think of a few things that give me joy, little "slices" of heaven if you will. It's more than two but here are some of them:

1. A passion filled worship at church
2. GFBC Choir, Praise Team, and Orchestra
3. My personal worship time
4. My alone time with God in the South Campus sanctuary
5. Breathe by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir (and yes, that is the song previously mentioned)
6. The GFBC Christmas Program (you have no idea just how big of slices those really are...)
7. A sunset on a sort of cloudy day

I thought seven was plenty for here, don't you agree? My God is an AWESOME God. In the last few days He has allowed me to experience six of these seven (because it's not Christmas time...) even in the heartache. Plus last night I was overjoyed to get to witness the baptism of a friend of mine! I will admit that it's been a pretty bad week, and if you read my last post you will understand that, but I would also like to remind whoever is reading this and myself that God's Word says that even though weeping may last through the night, a shout of joy will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5b NASB). I trust my God. Right now, I am leaning on my God because I don't have enough strength to walk around on my own. My God is so much more awesome than mere words could ever say. My God has given me a shout of joy with each experience. How could I not love Him?

I want to ask that you will continue to pray for the friends and family of the man I mentioned in the last post, who so recently went home to be with the Lord. But, I also want to encourage you to sit and think about this question: What are your little slices of heaven? Feel free to comment with some below as well, I would love to read them! May the Lord bless you!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

No More Death, No More Pain

Tonight I sit typing with a heavy heart. Today I was at a funeral of a good man. Two of my friends, who are brothers... lost their dad this past Thursday. My heart broke watching the youngest of the two hurt, and it broke even worse when I found out that the oldest wasn't going to be able to make it in time for today (NOT HIS FAULT). This friend of mine is in the navy and is trying hard to get home but unfortunately due to different circumstances that are not my place to post, he couldn't make it in time... I know he is hurting, I know he wants to be here, and all I can do is pray for him and his brother. 

So even though I found out about this the day it happened, everything only hit and really sunk in yesterday. My heart broke, I texted my mentor/accountability partner with some serious questions, I went and prayed with a woman I know from student ministry who's office just happens to be on the other side of my work, I have cried almost (but not quite) constantly, and it all led to today (which by the way only increased the water works and the pain in my heart). SO.... why am I telling you all of this? Because I know that I am not the only one... I know that someone else reading this at this very moment has a broken heart, someone reading this is grieving, and like me you are tired of the pain. 

I sat down just a little while ago and told God with more tears streaming down my face that I want so badly to ask Him and the people He has blessed me with here, just like a little child, why there is so much pain in this world. Truth is I already know the answer... we live in a broken world. I asked God to take away the pain in my heart but deep down I know He allows me to experience this pain so that I am reminded of where I belong and that it isn't here. 

Can I tell you something? While I don't like the death and pain that consumes this world anymore than you do, that place where I belong.... where we belong... there is no death and pain there. In fact there is a God who will one day put us on His lap and wipe every tear from our eyes and there will be no more of those either! So right now, I will admit... I want to go home and sit in my daddy's lap, I want Him to take the pain and hurt away more than anything... but the truth is, my life is not finished. God isn't done using me here yet and from what I keep being told... I have some big plans ahead of me. And even though I am hurting, God hasn't left me... I have felt His presence through everything today and have even heard Him whisper that He loves me and He is with me. 

So though I sit here tonight with a broken and heavy heart, I will press on with the help of God. I will live the life I am called to, all the while longing to be in the place that my soul was created for and one day, when God has used me for His purposes here I will run into His open arms squealing like a tiny little child filled with love "ABBA!!!" as He wraps those arms that defeated death around me, and welcomes me home.

Please pray for this family, and for the friends of the family as they grieve. Pray that they remember there is hope in Jesus. 

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Would You Pray?

I just wanted to take a moment to share something that is on my heart in hopes that everyone reading this might take a moment to just say a prayer. I was scrolling through my Facebook and came across a picture collage of a friend's day in Ecuador. If you know me you already know where this is headed but if you don't you should understand that after my first mission trip there I fell in love with the people, the group I was with, and the places that I saw. I miss Ecuador all of the time and really do hope that the Lord is willing for me to return sooner rather than later.

So anyway, as I passed the pictures my heart broke a little and the tears began to stream. I miss Ecuador far more than I though it possible for me to miss ANY foreign country. In my head something that has become normal began. I started remembering every aspect of my mission trip there. I remembered the sweet little chapel that I have mentioned here before, I remembered camp Chacauco, I remembered the jungle camp which I think was probably my favorite of the two, I thought about the sweet little family that I met while I was there that I love so very much, the beauty, and just so much more. 

Some of you are reading this and feeling sorry for my heartache, others are tired of hearing about it, both however, would probably want to pray for God to take away the heartache. PLEASE DON'T... As crazy as that may sound I would like to ask that you would pray asking God instead, to provide a way for me to return soon. Pray over the financial details (because mission trips are EXTREMELY expensive), pray for the timing so that things will work out with school for me to take a leave of absence, pray that the Lord would take every worry I have and remind me that He is GREATER. 

If you have made it this far in the post I want to thank you for reading and for your prayers. I know that the Lord is good and that His "faithful love endures forever". I am thankful for the HUGE family that is the body of Christ, and the brothers and sisters in that body that lift each other up in prayer. What an amazing privilege to be apart of the family of God! May the Lord bless and keep you, making His face shine upon you and giving you His peace! (Numbers 6:24-26) =)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I got to make breakfast for my family today. I will admit that this is something I enjoy doing when I am able and I think my parents and sister are more than happy to let me cook. For your viewing pleasure here is a picture of my breakfast masterpiece (plate):

As you can see I cooked bacon, biscuits and my special potatoes. I would tell you what all I put on my potatoes but than you might could make them and they would no longer be special. My family will tell you I am a good cook, but they will also tell you that I am a pain to clean up after. With the way I cook it really makes me wonder how hard it is to clean up after television cooks... I really feel bad for some of the people that are on clean up crew for cooks like Rachel Ray, Bobby Flay, Paula Dean, and even the cast of The Chew. I think the clean up crew for the last one would have more sympathy from me simply because they are cleaning up after FOUR individuals who have cooked different things throughout the coarse of the show. 

So anyway, I am happy to announce that I had PERFECT scores on ALL of my week 2 assignments in my class, and I intend to do just as well this week. I am so happy that everything is going well in school and I praise God for His hand on everything. 

Well I guess you are all probably pretty hungry after looking at that picture so I will let you go and try to find bacon as good as that:) It's time for me to go and get ready for work/church. Tonight is our last night of Awesome August at Gardendale First Baptist Church. Siran Stacey the former Alabama football player is coming to speak. If you don't have a church home or even if you do you should come and visit my church for an AMAZING night of worshiping God, and hearing His word through our speaker. It's a blessing that you absolutely DO NOT want to miss. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE and may you be blessed with the most wonderful day ever in Jesus!!!! :)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

GCU Tech. Support

Most of the time people are very frustrated and irritable after getting off of a long phone call with technical support no matter what the reason. Well tonight I was on the phone with technical support at GCU, for about 10 minutes short of 2 hours give or take a little bit. However, I am not here to rant and rave about how horrible technical support is. In fact I would like to thank GCU for having such a wonderful staff. After many error reports, a big sad face, a LONG wait for a document to load, some jelly beans and a very lovely conversation with the girl as we were waiting I got off the phone very happy and filled with a little renewed joy. I very much enjoyed the conversation that the girl and I had as we waited and I believe whole heartedly that God set aside that time to happen just as it did. It was nice to talk to someone who was so very joy-filled.  

All of my experiences with GCU staff have been more than pleasant. GCU has wonderful, very helpful, committed staff members who well help you as long as it takes, but this girl went above an beyond in my opinion staying on the line with me for as long as she did and conversing with me about life, school and other things, as she and I waited for the application to finally load. After talking with her so long I hope that at some point during my college career at GCU she and I as fellow students can become sincere friends. 

Thank you so very much Grand Canyon University and Priscilla (the girl from tech. support) for being such awesome people and really showing the spirit of God! =D I look forward, even more now, to the rest of my college career at GCU:)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Craving Cold

A lot of people are not going to like me for saying this but that's okay, here it goes.... I'M READY FOR WINTER!!! There I said it, and yes I feel better for having said it. I know I will probably start saying how ready I am for summer when it's 15 degrees outside with the wind cutting through my clothes, but right now I'm ready for the cold. My sister always has a good point when it comes to cold weather. She always says "At least in the Winter I can keep putting on layers, but in the Summer I have to quit shedding layers at some point". 

Another plus to the cold weather is the holidays. If you saw my post about Christmas in July you probably know that I am just a little bit ready for Christmas. So yes that is another good reason for me to be ready for the Winter. Thanksgiving and Christmas are such wonderful holidays. There is always fun stuff like the Christmas program at the church, the beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service, the music on the radio and in the church, decorating, and of coarse the food!! Is it me or is food always better during Thanksgiving and Christmas? I thought so.

Nothing is better than the Christmas story though. Not the one that you always here out of the story book, but the REAL Christmas story. The story of Jesus being born. Christmas brings so many closer together. Okay, so right now you are probably a little tired of me talking about Christmas but admit it, the child in you can't with for it to get here:)

Well, since Christmas isn't quite here yet, I guess I should go and start getting ready for work. May the Lord bless you with the most AWESOME day you have ever experienced in Jesus! =D And I'll try not to talk about Christmas so much during my next post.

By the way! I HAVE A 99 IN MY FIRST COLLEGE CLASS!!!!! I just thought I'd let you know:)