Saturday, October 18, 2014

Signs In The Sky

I usually don't post things this close together, but I had to share this. If you are on my Facebook then you have probably already seen the picture that I shared of the clouds that looks like Jesus on a horse with an angel behind him. I have seen several comments from the original post about this being fake and as I sat asking God to give me a reason to believe it wasn't He reminded me that I have seen an image in the sky that was just as clear as the one in the picture. This past Sunday morning on the way to church, though I didn't take a picture of it, I saw very clearly a cloud that looked like an angel blowing a trumpet. I saw that image with my own eyes, not in a picture in the sky and that can't be faked. Someone commented on the picture saying they know cloud formation and that the picture was faked because clouds don't do that (and yes I am paraphrasing how he said it) but I have news for you, God can do ANYTHING. 

So with that being said I have posted the picture below and just want you to take a good look at it:

When my mom first showed me the picture a song immediately became stuck in my head and I have been singing it all day. "Day's of Elijah", I have posted the song below, listen and you will hear why. I hope that this has really touched you and reminded you that as Revelation 1:3 in The Message bible says, "Time is just about up." 

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