Tuesday, May 12, 2015

So it's been a while...

Other than the t-shirt post, it's been a while. So much going on trying to get ready to go to Ecuador, having the blessing of being apart of a few ministries that have been busy, and then of course school. I don't have a whole lot of time to just blog any more. So today, it's time to take the time. The birds are chirping, the sun is out and beautiful, and Jesus is alive =D

Whose happy to have warm weather? I know I am! Not gonna lie, I was seriously getting a bit tired of the cold. Besides, now we are getting into my favorite kind of weather.... thunderstorms:) If you have been reading my blog since the beginning you probably saw my post that talked about my love for thunderstorms, if you haven't seen that blog, well... by the way.... I love thunderstorms =D There is just something so nice, peaceful, and even calming about thunderstorms. Yes, that's right, I find loud booms of thunder, calming. Now, to be perfectly clear, I don't really like being out in thunderstorms. I would rather be at home where I can enjoy it. But in all I thoroughly enjoy thunderstorms.

I'm sure that's enough said about thunderstorms so anyway, I can truly say that I have missed writing. Well.... I miss writing here. I have done PLENTY of writing in the last seven weeks. Between school papers and Great News, my writing is almost constant. Don't get me wrong, I love writing for Great News, but there is something that is special (in a different way) about getting to write here. Something that makes me feel connected to people that probably could care less about my life, but for some reason or another choose to read about it any way. My prayer is that you find something about my post to brighten your day and shine a little Jesus into your life. Even if it just makes you feel like someone gets you (surely there are more crazy people like me out there) ;). It's a very rare occasion that I communicate with my readers unless they are my mom, or my friends. Yet, somehow... I still feel connected to you all. I've shared my passions, desires, dreams, hurts, pains, tears and fears with you. I have shared some exciting moments, and some... not so exciting moments. One of the greatest things I get to do by writing this blog is share some really awesome God moments in my life. So I feel connected to you all. Some of you I may see daily and I just don't know that you read my blog, if so, I love you friend:) Some of you, may be people I have never before met but though I haven't seen you, don't know you, and will probably never meet you, because you read these posts, you are apart of my life, you have crossed my path and you are my neighbor and I love you as well:). To some of you this may seem random but with all that I just said it should now make since. Writing to you is like writing to a friend I haven't seen in a while. Someone who I need to have lunch with and catch up with. So, that being said, let me catch you up on some things that God has been doing in my life.

In just the last few months sometimes through people that I have the privilege of getting to sit under and be poured into by, sometimes through everyday friends, sometimes through church leaders, and sometimes through just spending time alone with God He has taught me the truth and depth of His forgiveness. The beauty of His MANY names (some that I had never heard before now). He has deepened and enriched my prayer life, teaching me to truly "Pray with out ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). He has taught me to see not only others but also myself as the masterpiece He has created us all to be. In the last few months God has been teaching me continuously, and still is teaching me, all of these things and so much more:)

One of the many names He has is a word that we have heard often growing up, whether it be because of school or church, and that is "teacher". God is my Teacher. He is teaching me day in and day out new things. He is renewing and transforming my mind so that I can be more like Him every day. Now He doesn't do this by setting up a time for us to have a class together in which I sit down and He teaches me with a chalkboard (of coarse, I'm sure you already knew that). Instead He is using those that He has placed in my life, His Word, His Spirit, and the words of some incredible songs He has written through His people. I have enjoyed and am continuing to enjoy His teachings in my life. And I am loving the way that He is revealing Himself to me as Teacher.

Something else that He has allowed me the privilege of doing is going to Ecuador for a little over five weeks this summer. I get to intern and be apart of a ministry over there that I absolutely love and while I can't wait to get back, there is two other names that God has been having to reveal to me lately and press onto my heart. Fear-taker, and Jehovah-Shalom my peace. Because to be quite honest I'm a little nervous. Who wouldn't be their first time leaving the country for this amount of time, or for that matter this only being their second time out of the country. Please don't misunderstand me, I know that God has given me this opportunity and I can't wait to see what all He has planned for me there, but as a human, I am nervous. God will protect me and I know that, but I'm a little nervous. So that being said please pray that God will press even further into my heart these two names. I am so thankful for you all because even though I may never meet a lot of you as I said before, you are my friends and I love each of you. Most of you seeing this are praying and for that I am far more grateful than you will ever know.

Well, you are caught up now I guess. Hopefully it won't take too long for me to write you again:) I pray that God is continually blessing you each and every day my friend:)

Love in Christ,