Sunday, September 28, 2014

Well, in just a few short hours my first college class will officially be over and my second class will start. It doesn't feel like so long ago that my family and I were sitting down and coming to the conclusion that God just didn't want me at college. Now here we are more than a year later and God opened the door back up and carried me through class number one. I am finishing out strong with a 99! These past seven weeks have flown by faster than I ever expected. I am excited to start my second class but more than that I am excited to start my actual theology classes. I know that the Lord will get me through all of these classes by His grace, EVEN MATH! God is bigger than anything and I am praising Him with all of my heart for helping me through this class:)

Anyway, today was AMAZING. Another amazing day with my worship family praising the God that we all love. I enjoyed getting to walk in with my fellow choir members as our orchestra and band played "I am a Friend of God" while we greeted the members of the congregation. My heart is so overjoyed each time I get to stand in the choir loft surrounded by such wonderful people. I am so much more than blessed! I would ask that you would pray for our worship pastor as he is in Georgia for revival at a church there, and also pray for Pastor Kevin who will join him for two night services there.

This week, if the Lord is willing, I get to post new devotionals on Great News!!!!! I know that it is going to be AWESOME! I know we just got done with Sunday but I honestly can't wait for Wednesday. After what I know will be a wonderful service I get to go downstairs for choir practice and I can't wait! This is a short post but I hope that you found something to enjoy about it:) May the Lord bless you exceeding abundantly! May His favor be poured out upon you! May He fill you with more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control than you have ever know before! May your eyes be opened to the wonderful blessings that God has placed in your life! I love you all! =D


  1. What a cool stage of life you are in and how wonderful that you have the opportunity to share a devotional for others to read.

    1. Thank you so much! I enjoy being able to do the devotionals. Those are on my ministry blog (Great News!!!!!). I only post them every other week and not on Wednesday's. (

      Thank you for taking time to read my blog, I hope that you will follow and share with others:) May the Lord bless you exceeding abundantly beyond all you could ever hope or imagine! =D
