A lot of people are not going to like me for saying this but that's okay, here it goes.... I'M READY FOR WINTER!!! There I said it, and yes I feel better for having said it. I know I will probably start saying how ready I am for summer when it's 15 degrees outside with the wind cutting through my clothes, but right now I'm ready for the cold. My sister always has a good point when it comes to cold weather. She always says "At least in the Winter I can keep putting on layers, but in the Summer I have to quit shedding layers at some point".
Another plus to the cold weather is the holidays. If you saw my post about Christmas in July you probably know that I am just a little bit ready for Christmas. So yes that is another good reason for me to be ready for the Winter. Thanksgiving and Christmas are such wonderful holidays. There is always fun stuff like the Christmas program at the church, the beautiful Christmas Eve candlelight service, the music on the radio and in the church, decorating, and of coarse the food!! Is it me or is food always better during Thanksgiving and Christmas? I thought so.
Nothing is better than the Christmas story though. Not the one that you always here out of the story book, but the REAL Christmas story. The story of Jesus being born. Christmas brings so many closer together. Okay, so right now you are probably a little tired of me talking about Christmas but admit it, the child in you can't with for it to get here:)
Well, since Christmas isn't quite here yet, I guess I should go and start getting ready for work. May the Lord bless you with the most AWESOME day you have ever experienced in Jesus! =D And I'll try not to talk about Christmas so much during my next post.
By the way! I HAVE A 99 IN MY FIRST COLLEGE CLASS!!!!! I just thought I'd let you know:)
You go ahead and talk about Christmas all you want, because the child in me is ready for it! :)