When I was little one of my favorite things to do was to write. As I got older the love continued to increase. I would write little short stories and as time went on they got longer, always fiction. As you can tell (at least if you read my Great News) I still enjoy to write. Enough that I have chosen it as a main part of my ministry...
However, with all of that being said... I have forgotten how to write for pleasure. When I write now I approach each piece with a plan or a strategy of just how everything needs to be within the piece of writing. I'm not saying that this is a bad way to approach writing, especially when it comes to doing so professionally. But at that point even if you are enjoying that writing, just as I enjoy writing devotionals for Great News, there is always a piece of your brain that recognizes it as business. This blog is for pleasure. This is a blog I created to not be bound to any commitment, but to simply just write what I wanted, how I wanted about my life, personally. Obviously, if you've been following this blog for any length of time you've probably noticed that it has been a good while since my last post. In fact it seems that with each post the time in between then just keeps getting longer. I haven't had time, haven't really had much to write about I guess, but mainly I just criticize and critique every little things to death.
More and more often I stop and think about how much I miss writing for pleasure. Growing up, I always wanted to be an author. I wanted to write books for a living, and while I may never do that the way I though I would, I can at least blog about my life with pleasure. Stop holding back because I feel like it's not interesting enough. Stop hesitating because maybe it's too short. Stop critiquing every little piece as if it were more than just a personal blog. So what if no one reads this. I can still write it. Maybe one person in the world who finds themselves awake and unable to sleep late one night will stumble across and find some humor or even better find some hope.
In the last few weeks, as I have remembered how much I used to love just writing for fun, I've sat down and attempted to work on some old, unfinished stories. I've tried to start new ones. Each time balling up pieces of paper or wearing out my delete button. So maybe I won't write stories anymore. Maybe I will just stick to this blog. One way or another, I think it is time for me to stop forgetting and start remembering.
So now I am asking for your help. You reader. You one person unable to sleep for whatever reason.... I need you to remind me that it's okay to write for fun. Sometimes the subject will be serious because there are serious things going on. Sometimes the subject will be funny, or confusing, or completely random. Sometimes it will be sad, and sometimes it will be happy... but if I start to forget again... will you remind me? I sure would appreciate it.
We all have a lot going on in the world. Busy jobs, busy lives, busy business to attend to, but no matter how busy things get we all should have that outlet. That thing we love that we can always go back to. So I'm going to try to start refreshing my memory. See you soon.
Just a blog that gives a peek into my life as I do my best to shine the light of Jesus through the darkness of the world :)
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Monday, October 26, 2015
It Is Well
The enemy has decided in the last few weeks to really wage a war against my soul. Not just my soul, but specifically my emotions. He has sent people to hurt my feelings and made me super sensitive. He has caused difficult times to rise up and crash over me, but it is well. He has caused struggles, and hardships that I never expected... but.... it is well with my soul.
As I sat down today to write a devotional for Great News, I got about half way through it and the "It Is Well" by Bethel Church came into my ears. What a reminder I needed this morning. There is no sense in me going on this morning about the issues that have risen in my life and walk. There is zero reason for me to share the struggles, heartaches, or more prominently the hurt feelings with you. They are not worth sharing because that would be what the enemy would want me to do. Complain. I am not going to have a complaining spirit today. Instead, I choose to say through it all, it is well with my soul. I have the victory in Christ Jesus (and by the way so do you) and no matter what the enemy does to overtake me, even if I lose the battle, I know that because of the cross, I have already won the war. Therefore.... It is well with my soul.
From one Christian to another today, I want to ask you... is it well with your soul? Is your faith wholly in Christ? Is there something that you need to lay at His feet so that it can be well with your soul? Then do it. He is waiting. He is your Father, your Daddy, and it is time. Give your worries to Him and He will give you rest and peace that surpasses all understanding.
Below I am going to post the song I mentioned above. I want to ask, if you would, please sit down, pop some headphones in and really let the Lord speak to your heart through this beautiful song. I love you friend:)
As I sat down today to write a devotional for Great News, I got about half way through it and the "It Is Well" by Bethel Church came into my ears. What a reminder I needed this morning. There is no sense in me going on this morning about the issues that have risen in my life and walk. There is zero reason for me to share the struggles, heartaches, or more prominently the hurt feelings with you. They are not worth sharing because that would be what the enemy would want me to do. Complain. I am not going to have a complaining spirit today. Instead, I choose to say through it all, it is well with my soul. I have the victory in Christ Jesus (and by the way so do you) and no matter what the enemy does to overtake me, even if I lose the battle, I know that because of the cross, I have already won the war. Therefore.... It is well with my soul.
From one Christian to another today, I want to ask you... is it well with your soul? Is your faith wholly in Christ? Is there something that you need to lay at His feet so that it can be well with your soul? Then do it. He is waiting. He is your Father, your Daddy, and it is time. Give your worries to Him and He will give you rest and peace that surpasses all understanding.
Below I am going to post the song I mentioned above. I want to ask, if you would, please sit down, pop some headphones in and really let the Lord speak to your heart through this beautiful song. I love you friend:)
Thursday, August 27, 2015
God Is Good
A simple yet profound fact that can never be properly stated in mere human words. God is so very good. I have been seeing His goodness more and in the in's and out's of my days recently. My mentor told me one time a few months ago at the beginning of a meeting about how she was in the habit of telling people that she is good when asked how she is doing. She said that there is nothing good about her (and this is coming from a woman who radiates the glory of God's Spirit in her), but she is right. Only God is good. This truth that she spoke didn't really convict me until about a month later when someone asked me how I was and I responded with "I'm good." Two simple words but oh how convicted I became in that one moment. From that moment on a friend has been trying to help me and has even started trying to catch herself when asked how we are, we try to respond with we are "well" rather than "good" because as previously stated, there is nothing good about us.
It's a bit amusing, I will admit, when we are walking around and we slip up and say we are good because we immediately realize it and try to remember it, and then five seconds later...
Thoughts: You're not good, you're well, well, well, you're well...
Random Person: Hey! How are you?
Me: I'm good! (face-palm)
Thoughts: WELL!!! I'M WELL!
[walks away shaking head]
I'm not saying everyone has to do this, that is simply a conviction I felt on my heart that day and I have been trying to make that change every since. So with that being said, if you ever ask me how I am doing and I respond with "good" then say I'm "well", just know that I am still trying and God is still working on me:)
Anyway, as I said, GOD IS GOOD. It doesn't matter what circumstances you are in, it doesn't matter if you're in the valley or on the mountain top, He is still good. He is good in the good times and the bad. He is good in tragedy, uncertainty, and the unknown. He is good in sickness and health. He is good in life and death. He is good in joy and in sorrow. He is good during your healing. He is good during your stress. He is good when your finances are not. He is good when you are living pay check to pay check. He is good when you don't know what to do. He is good even when you are deep in the depths of sin... God's goodness isn't dependent on you... He is good because that is who God is. He is the Good Shepherd and the Good Father. He is good in everything He does. You're sick? He is still good. You're hurting? He's still good. You don't know where your next meal is coming from? He's still good. The doctor just told you it's cancer... HE'S STILL GOOD... No matter what, He will always be good.
You see there is nothing, absolutely nothing good about you (or me) at all. Even the things you or others would consider to be "good" about you, they are still not truly good. But God, IS goodness. Everything about Him is good. Everything about Him oozes goodness. Even in your storm...
So just remember as you go through out every day... as you wake up no knowing what the day holds for you, God has got you, God knows what your day is going to bring and He is GOOD, in ALL circumstances. Love you friend!
In Christ,
A simple yet profound fact that can never be properly stated in mere human words. God is so very good. I have been seeing His goodness more and in the in's and out's of my days recently. My mentor told me one time a few months ago at the beginning of a meeting about how she was in the habit of telling people that she is good when asked how she is doing. She said that there is nothing good about her (and this is coming from a woman who radiates the glory of God's Spirit in her), but she is right. Only God is good. This truth that she spoke didn't really convict me until about a month later when someone asked me how I was and I responded with "I'm good." Two simple words but oh how convicted I became in that one moment. From that moment on a friend has been trying to help me and has even started trying to catch herself when asked how we are, we try to respond with we are "well" rather than "good" because as previously stated, there is nothing good about us.
It's a bit amusing, I will admit, when we are walking around and we slip up and say we are good because we immediately realize it and try to remember it, and then five seconds later...
Thoughts: You're not good, you're well, well, well, you're well...
Random Person: Hey! How are you?
Me: I'm good! (face-palm)
Thoughts: WELL!!! I'M WELL!
[walks away shaking head]
I'm not saying everyone has to do this, that is simply a conviction I felt on my heart that day and I have been trying to make that change every since. So with that being said, if you ever ask me how I am doing and I respond with "good" then say I'm "well", just know that I am still trying and God is still working on me:)
Anyway, as I said, GOD IS GOOD. It doesn't matter what circumstances you are in, it doesn't matter if you're in the valley or on the mountain top, He is still good. He is good in the good times and the bad. He is good in tragedy, uncertainty, and the unknown. He is good in sickness and health. He is good in life and death. He is good in joy and in sorrow. He is good during your healing. He is good during your stress. He is good when your finances are not. He is good when you are living pay check to pay check. He is good when you don't know what to do. He is good even when you are deep in the depths of sin... God's goodness isn't dependent on you... He is good because that is who God is. He is the Good Shepherd and the Good Father. He is good in everything He does. You're sick? He is still good. You're hurting? He's still good. You don't know where your next meal is coming from? He's still good. The doctor just told you it's cancer... HE'S STILL GOOD... No matter what, He will always be good.
You see there is nothing, absolutely nothing good about you (or me) at all. Even the things you or others would consider to be "good" about you, they are still not truly good. But God, IS goodness. Everything about Him is good. Everything about Him oozes goodness. Even in your storm...
So just remember as you go through out every day... as you wake up no knowing what the day holds for you, God has got you, God knows what your day is going to bring and He is GOOD, in ALL circumstances. Love you friend!
In Christ,
Saturday, July 4, 2015
Front Porch Sanctuary/Fourth of July
In the past few weeks I have found such comfort in the few days that I have been able to sit out on my front porch just me, my dog and Jesus. It has felt so nice these past few weeks and the peace outside is just wonderful (except for when Bear decides to start barking). I love places where you can get away from the world in a way and just be alone with Jesus. Some of my favorite places to do this are places I have mentioned before such as church sanctuaries, the beach and a little chapel in Ecuador. Well, now my front porch on nice days in the summer has been added to this. The scenery is beautiful, the sounds of nature are calming and the best is when we have a nice thunderstorm:)
Today there is a mix of noises that aren't nature but are definitely natural in America. With it being the fourth of July you can hear families gathering, patriotic country music playing and oh the smells of food being grilled. As I write this, five minutes ago it was pouring down rain and now it is beautifully sunny and seemingly perfect for cooking out.
Anyway, my times on the porch I feel are so very nice, there is very little to distract or disturb me, there is a gentle breeze blowing, and of course (as I've already mentioned) the peace and quite. The other day (actually the first day that I decided to sit out here) I spent the entire day out here, I only when in to cook dinner later that after noon and then came back out side. It was such an amazing day spent having quite time. God spoke through His Word, through the book Charles and I are reading together, and just simply through time of prayer. I know God is everywhere but there is just something special about meeting with Him at these places:)
So all that being said, as previously stated, today is the fourth of July. One of the many sounds I hear right now is our American flag that's hanging off of our porch waving back and forth in the wind. What a great reminder today is of the freedoms we have as Americans. A great example at the moment is free speech... the freedom that I have to write this blog and Great News. Freedom of religion also comes to mind. The freedom to go to church, pray and live out our faith in public with out fear of being arrested which is a privilege we have that a lot of other countries do not.
As you go throughout your day thank God for the freedoms that He has provided you as an American. Spend time with your family and praise God for all He has given you. God bless you all today my friends and may God bless and have mercy on America in these last days.
Today there is a mix of noises that aren't nature but are definitely natural in America. With it being the fourth of July you can hear families gathering, patriotic country music playing and oh the smells of food being grilled. As I write this, five minutes ago it was pouring down rain and now it is beautifully sunny and seemingly perfect for cooking out.
Anyway, my times on the porch I feel are so very nice, there is very little to distract or disturb me, there is a gentle breeze blowing, and of course (as I've already mentioned) the peace and quite. The other day (actually the first day that I decided to sit out here) I spent the entire day out here, I only when in to cook dinner later that after noon and then came back out side. It was such an amazing day spent having quite time. God spoke through His Word, through the book Charles and I are reading together, and just simply through time of prayer. I know God is everywhere but there is just something special about meeting with Him at these places:)
So all that being said, as previously stated, today is the fourth of July. One of the many sounds I hear right now is our American flag that's hanging off of our porch waving back and forth in the wind. What a great reminder today is of the freedoms we have as Americans. A great example at the moment is free speech... the freedom that I have to write this blog and Great News. Freedom of religion also comes to mind. The freedom to go to church, pray and live out our faith in public with out fear of being arrested which is a privilege we have that a lot of other countries do not.
As you go throughout your day thank God for the freedoms that He has provided you as an American. Spend time with your family and praise God for all He has given you. God bless you all today my friends and may God bless and have mercy on America in these last days.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Please Take Some Time
I know I'm just a few days later than everyone else on sharing this but I wanted to make sure to do so after I was able to watch it all the way through. I have often spoken about how much I love my worship family but I am not so sure that I have communicated that much love towards my church so let me just say that I love my church greatly. Our pastor and our staff have the hand of God heavily on them and there is no other church I would rather be at than Gardendale First Baptist.
With that being said if you are reading this I want you to make a commitment to sit down and watch this service that Pastor Kevin titles "A Biblical Response to Bruce Jenner". I have found this to be such a moving service and believe that you will to. My pastor isn't sugar coating it he is telling like it is and I believe we need a lot of people to do that today. God has given him some powerful words on this very controversial subject and it is definitely worth your time. May God open your hearts and your ears to receive what He has for you through this service. God bless you richly my friend.
TruthCasting - Player
With that being said if you are reading this I want you to make a commitment to sit down and watch this service that Pastor Kevin titles "A Biblical Response to Bruce Jenner". I have found this to be such a moving service and believe that you will to. My pastor isn't sugar coating it he is telling like it is and I believe we need a lot of people to do that today. God has given him some powerful words on this very controversial subject and it is definitely worth your time. May God open your hearts and your ears to receive what He has for you through this service. God bless you richly my friend.
TruthCasting - Player
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
If He Created That....
Due to being home I joined my family going to the beach. If you have been reading my blogs on here from the beginning, you probably saw the one from last year where I said a little bit about my quite time on the beach. Well, yesterday evening as the sun was getting lower I went out and had my first beach quite time since we got here. It was beautiful and quite eye opening. When I went down there I took my Bible and my journal (and believe me was it hard to open my Bible in that wind). After having set there for probably 10 or 15 minutes I felt God whisper. Now before I tell you what He said, let me share with you this:
For some time now I have been working on seeing myself and everyone around me as the beautiful masterpiece that God has created us to be. Sometimes (more often than not) it is much easier for me to see others as a masterpiece before I can see myself as a masterpiece however I know that is a problem and have been trying to fix it.
With that being said I looked at the waves and the sunset and thought about how beautiful it was, then it hit me... If God created that water, those waves, that beach, that sunset and all of the beauty that is held in each (and He did) than don't you think He made you even more beautiful because while those things are not made in His image, WE ARE.
Don't get me wrong we are not perfect, only God is perfect. Perfection for us, will not be obtained until Jesus returns. However, God did create us as masterpieces. His Word even says so;
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." -Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
You see, we are His masterpiece! My point in saying all of this is that we should first realize that we are HIS and that He calls us His masterpiece. Then with each person that we come into contact with we should see him/her as the masterpiece that he/she is and treat them that way.
So the next time you are at a breathtaking sight whether that for you is a sunset on the beach or the Grand Canyon, remember that yes God created that and all of the beauty that is held in those things, but friend... He also created you and He calls you masterpiece. :) Love you friend!
In Christ,
For some time now I have been working on seeing myself and everyone around me as the beautiful masterpiece that God has created us to be. Sometimes (more often than not) it is much easier for me to see others as a masterpiece before I can see myself as a masterpiece however I know that is a problem and have been trying to fix it.
With that being said I looked at the waves and the sunset and thought about how beautiful it was, then it hit me... If God created that water, those waves, that beach, that sunset and all of the beauty that is held in each (and He did) than don't you think He made you even more beautiful because while those things are not made in His image, WE ARE.
Don't get me wrong we are not perfect, only God is perfect. Perfection for us, will not be obtained until Jesus returns. However, God did create us as masterpieces. His Word even says so;
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." -Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
You see, we are His masterpiece! My point in saying all of this is that we should first realize that we are HIS and that He calls us His masterpiece. Then with each person that we come into contact with we should see him/her as the masterpiece that he/she is and treat them that way.
So the next time you are at a breathtaking sight whether that for you is a sunset on the beach or the Grand Canyon, remember that yes God created that and all of the beauty that is held in those things, but friend... He also created you and He calls you masterpiece. :) Love you friend!
In Christ,
Monday, June 15, 2015
If You Didn't Already Know
I want to start this post with a post I put on Facebook because I want you all to understand that I'm home:
I understand (more now than when I actually posted that) that many of you will not understand, nor will you be supportive of the fact that I'm home. What I would like to say to those of you is can you honestly say that you know what God is saying to me, and what God is doing in my life better than myself? If so than I would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee or maybe do lunch. I hope that this doesn't come off rude, and forgive me if it does, but you are not me. You do not know me, nor do you have any right at all to judge my relationship with God. I don't judge yours because that is not my place just as it is not your place to judge mine. My point is, don't be so quick to question my salvation, or to say that I can't discern the will of God for my life. You are not me and you have no idea what God has or has not spoken over my life. I am not perfect and I will not pretend to be so (too much responsibility for that and I'm not God), but I believe I have a very close relationship with my God. Is it as close as I would like it to be? Far from it, but I am constantly growing and pray that you are as well. I want you to know that I say all of this in love but I want you all to be aware that this is how I feel about it.
Now on the same note, I want to be open and honest with you as I always try to be on this blog. Through all of this, especially in coming home, I realize that I have an idol. My idol is caring far too much about what people think of me. When I felt that God was bringing me home I knew I didn't understand and therefore I knew others wouldn't either. This made me waver. My first thoughts were what will people think when I come home and they understand it about as much as I do? What will they say about my relationship with God? Will they be disappointed? Will they be upset? Then I had to realize that I can't go on what other people think of me. My biggest fear coming home was what people would think when they found out I came back. Especially when I tried to explain as best I could and it wasn't enough for them.
Through coming home God has made me face this idol and deal with it head on. There are many who are against me right now, and who are even going as far as questioning my salvation (as I addressed above). Because of this I have had to lean on God and only God because I never know who is for me or against me. I sit in the midst of hundreds who I used to trust to have my back only to fidget and wonder who of those people have now turned their back on me. I still love them, please don't misunderstand that and if you are one of those people (and yet for some reason are still reading this post) I STILL LOVE YOU... However, it is indeed a painful experience. It has been a process and I realize that I should have always been leaning on God and Him alone. I knew that I had a problem caring too much what people think I just never knew it was this bad until I had to come home and face the idol I allowed it to become in my life.
Please know that God has a purpose for doing everything, and nothing He allows to happen is wasted. God spoke to me about things I personally could have only really learned by going to Ecuador and He did the same thing bringing me back as early as He did. I trust Him and His plan even though I don't understand. I just pray that you will have my back, however if you do not... the One who matters, does. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Love you friend!
In Christ,
"As most all of you know last Friday I left for Ecuador where the plan was to spend a little over a month serving in that country. As most of you don't know (though some of you do) I came home this past Tuesday. Before I go any further I AM OKAY. While there I got pretty overwhelmed by everything, began to feel like I was no longer supposed to be there and so after some time talking with the missionaries there, some staff members there, and praying I felt it was best that I came home so arrangements were made. I am very thankful for those that have already shown your support and I understand that not all of you will be supportive of this decision however, it comes down to this... I believe that I was obedient to God in going to Ecuador, but I also believe that I was obedient in coming home and I will stand on that knowing that even if many of you do not support this decision God is with me.Now I do want you all to know that this trip was not wasted at all. God spoke to me about several things for the few days that I was there, brought new friends into my life, and allowed me to feel the love of a family I didn't know I had in the Chacauco staff. He is also about to teach me through this season of answering everyone's questions and dealing with I'm sure some very not so supportive people. There are things that God has taught me and is currently teaching me that I could not have learned with out making this trip and I trust that His hand has been on every decision made about this trip. God never told me that I would be there the whole five weeks, He just told me to go and expected me to be obedient enough to do so. I am very thankful for all of the prayers and support that have been provided up until this point and I pray that it will continue."
I understand (more now than when I actually posted that) that many of you will not understand, nor will you be supportive of the fact that I'm home. What I would like to say to those of you is can you honestly say that you know what God is saying to me, and what God is doing in my life better than myself? If so than I would love to sit down and have a cup of coffee or maybe do lunch. I hope that this doesn't come off rude, and forgive me if it does, but you are not me. You do not know me, nor do you have any right at all to judge my relationship with God. I don't judge yours because that is not my place just as it is not your place to judge mine. My point is, don't be so quick to question my salvation, or to say that I can't discern the will of God for my life. You are not me and you have no idea what God has or has not spoken over my life. I am not perfect and I will not pretend to be so (too much responsibility for that and I'm not God), but I believe I have a very close relationship with my God. Is it as close as I would like it to be? Far from it, but I am constantly growing and pray that you are as well. I want you to know that I say all of this in love but I want you all to be aware that this is how I feel about it.
Now on the same note, I want to be open and honest with you as I always try to be on this blog. Through all of this, especially in coming home, I realize that I have an idol. My idol is caring far too much about what people think of me. When I felt that God was bringing me home I knew I didn't understand and therefore I knew others wouldn't either. This made me waver. My first thoughts were what will people think when I come home and they understand it about as much as I do? What will they say about my relationship with God? Will they be disappointed? Will they be upset? Then I had to realize that I can't go on what other people think of me. My biggest fear coming home was what people would think when they found out I came back. Especially when I tried to explain as best I could and it wasn't enough for them.
Through coming home God has made me face this idol and deal with it head on. There are many who are against me right now, and who are even going as far as questioning my salvation (as I addressed above). Because of this I have had to lean on God and only God because I never know who is for me or against me. I sit in the midst of hundreds who I used to trust to have my back only to fidget and wonder who of those people have now turned their back on me. I still love them, please don't misunderstand that and if you are one of those people (and yet for some reason are still reading this post) I STILL LOVE YOU... However, it is indeed a painful experience. It has been a process and I realize that I should have always been leaning on God and Him alone. I knew that I had a problem caring too much what people think I just never knew it was this bad until I had to come home and face the idol I allowed it to become in my life.
Please know that God has a purpose for doing everything, and nothing He allows to happen is wasted. God spoke to me about things I personally could have only really learned by going to Ecuador and He did the same thing bringing me back as early as He did. I trust Him and His plan even though I don't understand. I just pray that you will have my back, however if you do not... the One who matters, does. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Love you friend!
In Christ,
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
So it's been a while...
Other than the t-shirt post, it's been a while. So much going on trying to get ready to go to Ecuador, having the blessing of being apart of a few ministries that have been busy, and then of course school. I don't have a whole lot of time to just blog any more. So today, it's time to take the time. The birds are chirping, the sun is out and beautiful, and Jesus is alive =D
Whose happy to have warm weather? I know I am! Not gonna lie, I was seriously getting a bit tired of the cold. Besides, now we are getting into my favorite kind of weather.... thunderstorms:) If you have been reading my blog since the beginning you probably saw my post that talked about my love for thunderstorms, if you haven't seen that blog, well... by the way.... I love thunderstorms =D There is just something so nice, peaceful, and even calming about thunderstorms. Yes, that's right, I find loud booms of thunder, calming. Now, to be perfectly clear, I don't really like being out in thunderstorms. I would rather be at home where I can enjoy it. But in all I thoroughly enjoy thunderstorms.
I'm sure that's enough said about thunderstorms so anyway, I can truly say that I have missed writing. Well.... I miss writing here. I have done PLENTY of writing in the last seven weeks. Between school papers and Great News, my writing is almost constant. Don't get me wrong, I love writing for Great News, but there is something that is special (in a different way) about getting to write here. Something that makes me feel connected to people that probably could care less about my life, but for some reason or another choose to read about it any way. My prayer is that you find something about my post to brighten your day and shine a little Jesus into your life. Even if it just makes you feel like someone gets you (surely there are more crazy people like me out there) ;). It's a very rare occasion that I communicate with my readers unless they are my mom, or my friends. Yet, somehow... I still feel connected to you all. I've shared my passions, desires, dreams, hurts, pains, tears and fears with you. I have shared some exciting moments, and some... not so exciting moments. One of the greatest things I get to do by writing this blog is share some really awesome God moments in my life. So I feel connected to you all. Some of you I may see daily and I just don't know that you read my blog, if so, I love you friend:) Some of you, may be people I have never before met but though I haven't seen you, don't know you, and will probably never meet you, because you read these posts, you are apart of my life, you have crossed my path and you are my neighbor and I love you as well:). To some of you this may seem random but with all that I just said it should now make since. Writing to you is like writing to a friend I haven't seen in a while. Someone who I need to have lunch with and catch up with. So, that being said, let me catch you up on some things that God has been doing in my life.
In just the last few months sometimes through people that I have the privilege of getting to sit under and be poured into by, sometimes through everyday friends, sometimes through church leaders, and sometimes through just spending time alone with God He has taught me the truth and depth of His forgiveness. The beauty of His MANY names (some that I had never heard before now). He has deepened and enriched my prayer life, teaching me to truly "Pray with out ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). He has taught me to see not only others but also myself as the masterpiece He has created us all to be. In the last few months God has been teaching me continuously, and still is teaching me, all of these things and so much more:)
One of the many names He has is a word that we have heard often growing up, whether it be because of school or church, and that is "teacher". God is my Teacher. He is teaching me day in and day out new things. He is renewing and transforming my mind so that I can be more like Him every day. Now He doesn't do this by setting up a time for us to have a class together in which I sit down and He teaches me with a chalkboard (of coarse, I'm sure you already knew that). Instead He is using those that He has placed in my life, His Word, His Spirit, and the words of some incredible songs He has written through His people. I have enjoyed and am continuing to enjoy His teachings in my life. And I am loving the way that He is revealing Himself to me as Teacher.
Something else that He has allowed me the privilege of doing is going to Ecuador for a little over five weeks this summer. I get to intern and be apart of a ministry over there that I absolutely love and while I can't wait to get back, there is two other names that God has been having to reveal to me lately and press onto my heart. Fear-taker, and Jehovah-Shalom my peace. Because to be quite honest I'm a little nervous. Who wouldn't be their first time leaving the country for this amount of time, or for that matter this only being their second time out of the country. Please don't misunderstand me, I know that God has given me this opportunity and I can't wait to see what all He has planned for me there, but as a human, I am nervous. God will protect me and I know that, but I'm a little nervous. So that being said please pray that God will press even further into my heart these two names. I am so thankful for you all because even though I may never meet a lot of you as I said before, you are my friends and I love each of you. Most of you seeing this are praying and for that I am far more grateful than you will ever know.
Well, you are caught up now I guess. Hopefully it won't take too long for me to write you again:) I pray that God is continually blessing you each and every day my friend:)
Love in Christ,
Whose happy to have warm weather? I know I am! Not gonna lie, I was seriously getting a bit tired of the cold. Besides, now we are getting into my favorite kind of weather.... thunderstorms:) If you have been reading my blog since the beginning you probably saw my post that talked about my love for thunderstorms, if you haven't seen that blog, well... by the way.... I love thunderstorms =D There is just something so nice, peaceful, and even calming about thunderstorms. Yes, that's right, I find loud booms of thunder, calming. Now, to be perfectly clear, I don't really like being out in thunderstorms. I would rather be at home where I can enjoy it. But in all I thoroughly enjoy thunderstorms.
I'm sure that's enough said about thunderstorms so anyway, I can truly say that I have missed writing. Well.... I miss writing here. I have done PLENTY of writing in the last seven weeks. Between school papers and Great News, my writing is almost constant. Don't get me wrong, I love writing for Great News, but there is something that is special (in a different way) about getting to write here. Something that makes me feel connected to people that probably could care less about my life, but for some reason or another choose to read about it any way. My prayer is that you find something about my post to brighten your day and shine a little Jesus into your life. Even if it just makes you feel like someone gets you (surely there are more crazy people like me out there) ;). It's a very rare occasion that I communicate with my readers unless they are my mom, or my friends. Yet, somehow... I still feel connected to you all. I've shared my passions, desires, dreams, hurts, pains, tears and fears with you. I have shared some exciting moments, and some... not so exciting moments. One of the greatest things I get to do by writing this blog is share some really awesome God moments in my life. So I feel connected to you all. Some of you I may see daily and I just don't know that you read my blog, if so, I love you friend:) Some of you, may be people I have never before met but though I haven't seen you, don't know you, and will probably never meet you, because you read these posts, you are apart of my life, you have crossed my path and you are my neighbor and I love you as well:). To some of you this may seem random but with all that I just said it should now make since. Writing to you is like writing to a friend I haven't seen in a while. Someone who I need to have lunch with and catch up with. So, that being said, let me catch you up on some things that God has been doing in my life.
In just the last few months sometimes through people that I have the privilege of getting to sit under and be poured into by, sometimes through everyday friends, sometimes through church leaders, and sometimes through just spending time alone with God He has taught me the truth and depth of His forgiveness. The beauty of His MANY names (some that I had never heard before now). He has deepened and enriched my prayer life, teaching me to truly "Pray with out ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). He has taught me to see not only others but also myself as the masterpiece He has created us all to be. In the last few months God has been teaching me continuously, and still is teaching me, all of these things and so much more:)
One of the many names He has is a word that we have heard often growing up, whether it be because of school or church, and that is "teacher". God is my Teacher. He is teaching me day in and day out new things. He is renewing and transforming my mind so that I can be more like Him every day. Now He doesn't do this by setting up a time for us to have a class together in which I sit down and He teaches me with a chalkboard (of coarse, I'm sure you already knew that). Instead He is using those that He has placed in my life, His Word, His Spirit, and the words of some incredible songs He has written through His people. I have enjoyed and am continuing to enjoy His teachings in my life. And I am loving the way that He is revealing Himself to me as Teacher.
Something else that He has allowed me the privilege of doing is going to Ecuador for a little over five weeks this summer. I get to intern and be apart of a ministry over there that I absolutely love and while I can't wait to get back, there is two other names that God has been having to reveal to me lately and press onto my heart. Fear-taker, and Jehovah-Shalom my peace. Because to be quite honest I'm a little nervous. Who wouldn't be their first time leaving the country for this amount of time, or for that matter this only being their second time out of the country. Please don't misunderstand me, I know that God has given me this opportunity and I can't wait to see what all He has planned for me there, but as a human, I am nervous. God will protect me and I know that, but I'm a little nervous. So that being said please pray that God will press even further into my heart these two names. I am so thankful for you all because even though I may never meet a lot of you as I said before, you are my friends and I love each of you. Most of you seeing this are praying and for that I am far more grateful than you will ever know.
Well, you are caught up now I guess. Hopefully it won't take too long for me to write you again:) I pray that God is continually blessing you each and every day my friend:)
Love in Christ,
Friday, April 3, 2015
I am now selling shirts from Fund The Nations. Each shirt is $20 however, it is $2 extra for 2x and 3x.
PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE IF YOU WANT ONE OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES! I will ONLY be selling these for about two weeks do to time constraints. Thank you so much for your willingness to help me go where the Lord has called me to go and fulfill the verse on this shirt. "Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things that he does." -Psalm 96:3 (NLT)
PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE IF YOU WANT ONE OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES! I will ONLY be selling these for about two weeks do to time constraints. Thank you so much for your willingness to help me go where the Lord has called me to go and fulfill the verse on this shirt. "Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things that he does." -Psalm 96:3 (NLT)
Thursday, February 26, 2015
So It Finally Snowed...
So after a lot of off and on talk about snow, it finally came. Every one was prepared (if they paid attention), schools closed, businesses closed, even churches canceled services in preparation for the "snow storm" of 2015. My neighborhood is covered in a beautiful blanket of white snow. As my family and I headed outside I looked around and couldn't help but take in the beautiful scenery that reminded me of my sins being cleansed. "Washed whiter than snow."
If you know me and you have been around me in the last week, you know that I have been praying pretty hard for no snow. If you are asking why, please understand that this was literally like a dream week for me. Since I fell in-love with Jesus I have wanted a week of church every night. This week I would have only had one night with out a church service. Also if you are reading this and you have seen me sincerely praying for no snow please know, GOD IS STILL FAITHFUL! His will was for there to be snow, so the snow came. I pray that everyone has taken the time off today to rest in the Lord. God provided you time to be at home with your families so I pray that you took advantage of the blessing, and spent it well. I spent it sleeping in preparation for BLAST, my churches discipleship weekend that starts Friday (please be in prayer for the leaders, staff, and students).
Tomorrow is a new day. His mercies are new every morning, so start yours with Jesus. Spend time in The Word. Worship Him. Maybe even have your quite time outside if time allows and it's not too terribly cold for you to do so. Remember that God is faithful and that He is mighty in power. Everything is in His timing and not ours. Thank God for the blessings of the day, and serve Him faithfully in everything you do. This is a short post but I thought I would just say something about the very beautiful snow fall, and the even more beautiful reminder of the forgiveness of our sins;) May the Lord bless you with an awesome rest of the night in Him and a joyful beginning to a new day in the morning.
If you know me and you have been around me in the last week, you know that I have been praying pretty hard for no snow. If you are asking why, please understand that this was literally like a dream week for me. Since I fell in-love with Jesus I have wanted a week of church every night. This week I would have only had one night with out a church service. Also if you are reading this and you have seen me sincerely praying for no snow please know, GOD IS STILL FAITHFUL! His will was for there to be snow, so the snow came. I pray that everyone has taken the time off today to rest in the Lord. God provided you time to be at home with your families so I pray that you took advantage of the blessing, and spent it well. I spent it sleeping in preparation for BLAST, my churches discipleship weekend that starts Friday (please be in prayer for the leaders, staff, and students).
Tomorrow is a new day. His mercies are new every morning, so start yours with Jesus. Spend time in The Word. Worship Him. Maybe even have your quite time outside if time allows and it's not too terribly cold for you to do so. Remember that God is faithful and that He is mighty in power. Everything is in His timing and not ours. Thank God for the blessings of the day, and serve Him faithfully in everything you do. This is a short post but I thought I would just say something about the very beautiful snow fall, and the even more beautiful reminder of the forgiveness of our sins;) May the Lord bless you with an awesome rest of the night in Him and a joyful beginning to a new day in the morning.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
A New Season of Life
Well, it's time for new a season to begin. Not like Spring though I'm sure some of you are ready for that. No, the season I'm talking about is a life season. Somewhere around the end of this month and the first of next month I will be dropping down to a substitute position at my job (by choice). Between school, ministry, and church I really don't have time for my job. I am going into ministry so I feel that this is really the best decision. Oh, don't worry, there will be no lazing around I still have plenty to do. Between my quite time with the Lord and my required readings for school there will be plenty of studying going on, on top of continuing whats left of the bible study with my co-workers, fundraising for Ecuador (click on that button by the way), Great News (which I hope to start back with soon), class assignments (which includes a 15-slide power point on Genesis 1-2 this week), church, and SUB25 (which is our 25 and under ministry at church).
Don't get me wrong I love my job, however the daycare is a "for now" job, not a "forever" career. Before anyone starts calling me crazy, and telling me I should think this through, I have. A lot of prayer and thought has went into this decision and it comes down to the fact that if I don't drop down to a sub, my grades will start to suffer and my health will start to suffer. I am getting worn down and something had to go and after a lot of prayer the only reasonable thing to let go of was my position at the daycare. I will admit to having worries about this decision, but because I know that this is where the Lord is leading me right now I trust that He will provide for all of my needs.
Quite honestly, I am looking forward to the time that I will have to be able to do all of my readings for school (which is a total of 16 reads this week), read more of my bible, and spend more time doing ministry focused things such as starting Great News back up with devotionals. I look forward to what the Lord is about to do in my life. With that being said, there are things that I will miss about not being in a consistent position at the daycare, like for example being able to regularly go to the sanctuary and just sit alone in the quite with God. Another thing I will miss will be seeing the amazing kids that are in my class and on my hallway. While I don't always get along with each of the kids (face it, they are 2's to 3's) I still love each and every one of them. Finally, I will miss my co-workers. In at least the last six months I have had the blessing of getting to have some awesome God conversations with some of these girls and even just getting to see God do different things in some of their lives. And while it hasn't always worked out, I've even been able to do a bible study with them.. Each place that the Lord has put me since I have been at the daycare has had some purpose or another. From buggy rides to water days (which, just saying, I really dislike water days), and everything in between God has had a purpose.
So now I would like to ask that you would all pray. Pray for God to guide and direct my every step. Pray for Him to open new doors during this season of my life and maybe even for Him to reveal Himself to me in a new (to me) way. I can't wait to share this journey with you as the Lord allows, and I pray that He will bless each and every person reading this with an awesome day in Him. I'm done rambling now:)
Don't get me wrong I love my job, however the daycare is a "for now" job, not a "forever" career. Before anyone starts calling me crazy, and telling me I should think this through, I have. A lot of prayer and thought has went into this decision and it comes down to the fact that if I don't drop down to a sub, my grades will start to suffer and my health will start to suffer. I am getting worn down and something had to go and after a lot of prayer the only reasonable thing to let go of was my position at the daycare. I will admit to having worries about this decision, but because I know that this is where the Lord is leading me right now I trust that He will provide for all of my needs.
Quite honestly, I am looking forward to the time that I will have to be able to do all of my readings for school (which is a total of 16 reads this week), read more of my bible, and spend more time doing ministry focused things such as starting Great News back up with devotionals. I look forward to what the Lord is about to do in my life. With that being said, there are things that I will miss about not being in a consistent position at the daycare, like for example being able to regularly go to the sanctuary and just sit alone in the quite with God. Another thing I will miss will be seeing the amazing kids that are in my class and on my hallway. While I don't always get along with each of the kids (face it, they are 2's to 3's) I still love each and every one of them. Finally, I will miss my co-workers. In at least the last six months I have had the blessing of getting to have some awesome God conversations with some of these girls and even just getting to see God do different things in some of their lives. And while it hasn't always worked out, I've even been able to do a bible study with them.. Each place that the Lord has put me since I have been at the daycare has had some purpose or another. From buggy rides to water days (which, just saying, I really dislike water days), and everything in between God has had a purpose.
So now I would like to ask that you would all pray. Pray for God to guide and direct my every step. Pray for Him to open new doors during this season of my life and maybe even for Him to reveal Himself to me in a new (to me) way. I can't wait to share this journey with you as the Lord allows, and I pray that He will bless each and every person reading this with an awesome day in Him. I'm done rambling now:)
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Can I Share My Heart With You?
My heart is so heavy as I write this.... I have sat debating and praying over whether or not to post anything but I have seen so much negativity towards true Christians, that my heart is broken and as I type tears are pouring down my face....
Let me start with this. This started because of everything going on with homosexuality so I am sorry to drop this on those of you that didn't already know, but if you do know me than you know I used to be gay. Living very "happily" (I was seriously miserable) in the homosexual lifestyle. I tell you this because I want you to know that God saved my life. I was lost, broken, living in sin and God found me, picked me up and changed me. It was not an easy process by any means but here I am, living my life to the best of my ability for God by His grace and for His glory. I won't pretend to know all about what is going on in the political world. Quite frankly I haven't had time, and if you know me, you know just how true that is. I know that Birmingham is allowing gay marriage now. I know that a lot of people are angry over this. I can't promise that this will be the most well written post but I am going to try my best to get my point across and I pray that anyone reading this will allow the Lord to use this post to speak to your heart and break your heart as He has mine tonight.
Simply put... hate is NOT of the Bible or of God. While I am by NO MEANS saying that those in same-sex marriages are in the right, I am saying that God loves those men and women just as much as He loves you or me. His love is unfailing. HE IS LOVE! THAT IS WHO HE IS!!! However, they are living in sin, they are breaking God's heart and as Christians, we are to reach out to them in love and try to show them the light. We are not to do this hatefully. We are not to throw scripture at them angrily and tell them that they are going to hell. We are to love on them.
Below are some screen shots of a "rant" on Facebook. I want to be clear, some of the things that are said I agree with (some I don't), it is mostly the tone in which it is being said that I disagree with. Also, names were blocked to protect identities.
Let me start with this. This started because of everything going on with homosexuality so I am sorry to drop this on those of you that didn't already know, but if you do know me than you know I used to be gay. Living very "happily" (I was seriously miserable) in the homosexual lifestyle. I tell you this because I want you to know that God saved my life. I was lost, broken, living in sin and God found me, picked me up and changed me. It was not an easy process by any means but here I am, living my life to the best of my ability for God by His grace and for His glory. I won't pretend to know all about what is going on in the political world. Quite frankly I haven't had time, and if you know me, you know just how true that is. I know that Birmingham is allowing gay marriage now. I know that a lot of people are angry over this. I can't promise that this will be the most well written post but I am going to try my best to get my point across and I pray that anyone reading this will allow the Lord to use this post to speak to your heart and break your heart as He has mine tonight.
Simply put... hate is NOT of the Bible or of God. While I am by NO MEANS saying that those in same-sex marriages are in the right, I am saying that God loves those men and women just as much as He loves you or me. His love is unfailing. HE IS LOVE! THAT IS WHO HE IS!!! However, they are living in sin, they are breaking God's heart and as Christians, we are to reach out to them in love and try to show them the light. We are not to do this hatefully. We are not to throw scripture at them angrily and tell them that they are going to hell. We are to love on them.
Below are some screen shots of a "rant" on Facebook. I want to be clear, some of the things that are said I agree with (some I don't), it is mostly the tone in which it is being said that I disagree with. Also, names were blocked to protect identities.
There is a lot that could be discussed about this thread, but I will only address a few things. First and foremost, this is not the way to approach anyone. There is a difference between passionate and hateful and this is hateful. Now as for the question "Is it affecting your life?" I want to say this, and I pray that it convicts everyone reading this and challenges you as well, as a Christian, it should affect my life. No, it is not my place or anybody else's to judge, but I should be continuously praying for those people and doing what I can to reach out to them in love so that maybe they will hear the truth, know the love of God and turn to Him. "Y'all need to stay in y'alls own relationship with God they have theirs under control", on this I would like to say that if they are in a homosexual relationship, odds are they don't have a relationship with God to be in control of. You CAN NOT be in a relationship with God and yet still be doing something that He is plainly against. Yes, all sin is equal. But whatever sin it is, it is still sin. Finally, the last thing that I would like to address in this thread is the next to last comment. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 in the New Living Translation says, "Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." See the problem is, if no one steps in, how can they turn from their sin and be saved? Christianity is not just personal...
1 John 2:3-4 (NKJV):
"Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, 'I know Him,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him."
When you know about God, you will read the Bible because it's something you feel you are supposed to do, you may even claim to be a Christian.... but when you really know God... you will read and keep His word because you are driven, and compelled to do so out of the deep love you will have for Him because He saved you....
I know that many people who read this post are not going to like it. You are going to be angry and probably delete me from your friends list or whatever but can I be honest? While I love you, it won't shake my life or my faith if you hit the delete button. I will be praying because I sincerely want you to know the true, unfailing love of Christ.... I'm praying for you, I love you and I thank God for you because you are His masterpiece and while I many not necessarily get along with you He loves you and so I will too. May your heart be opened... there is not really anything else for me to say...
In Christ,
Gay Marriage,
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Ecuador!!!! (and puppy update)
So, as I'm sure you have already noticed, there is a little widget to the right of your screen that says "Go Fund Me". Last month I started the process of filling out an application to be an intern in Ecuador. If you know me, you know how badly I have wanted to get back to Ecuador, if you don't know me, scroll down and there will probably be a post or two talking about it:)
Either way, after almost two years, God has opened a door! However, I need money to go and it is an amount that I can in no way raise on my own in the short amount of time that I have to raise it. What I am asking you to do is very important. Please take some time and pray, asking God what (if anything) he would have you donate. Then as He lays a number on your heart, I pray that you would come back to this page and click the "gofundme" button to donate that amount. It may be $5 it may be $50 or more. Whatever God lays on your heart. Thank you so much!!!! May the Lord bless you richly!!!
By the way, just a quick little update on Bear. He is a HUGE 2.1 pounds as of the last vet visit and is actually on his way to the vet again today:) He has settled in quite well and is a mostly loving puppy:) Also if you didn't see it this past Sunday, Bear was actually the Fox6 pet pick:) Here are some pictures:)
Either way, after almost two years, God has opened a door! However, I need money to go and it is an amount that I can in no way raise on my own in the short amount of time that I have to raise it. What I am asking you to do is very important. Please take some time and pray, asking God what (if anything) he would have you donate. Then as He lays a number on your heart, I pray that you would come back to this page and click the "gofundme" button to donate that amount. It may be $5 it may be $50 or more. Whatever God lays on your heart. Thank you so much!!!! May the Lord bless you richly!!!
By the way, just a quick little update on Bear. He is a HUGE 2.1 pounds as of the last vet visit and is actually on his way to the vet again today:) He has settled in quite well and is a mostly loving puppy:) Also if you didn't see it this past Sunday, Bear was actually the Fox6 pet pick:) Here are some pictures:)
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Before he came to live with us |
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Charles and Bear<3 |
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Bear "chillin" with mom. Also this was his Fox6 Pet Pic:) |
mission trips,
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Meet Bear!
I would like to introduce you to my new best friend...

This is Bear. I came home from work and my mom and sister surprised me with him. I would say something about NPS (New Puppy Syndrome, for those of you that missed that blog) however Bear seems to be settling in quite nicely. I couldn't be happier to have this little puppy, and you should possibly just expect to see many posts and pictures of him in the days and weeks to come. As I type this little guy is sleeping away in a blanket cocoon that he made for himself along with his little warmy buddy:) Honestly I should probably get some sleep too! Just couldn't wait to show him off:) May the Lord bless you all richly with wonderful rest not just through the night but also through the weekend:)
P.S. Yes I know this is a VERY random post....
P.S.S.... you still read it =D
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015!
So it's a new year. So much has happened in this past year and I honestly feel like it just started. I don't know how your 2014 was but mine was full of heart break, surprises, changes and some amazing moments and I don't think there is a thing I would change because even the bad was made good somehow or another by the Lord. I had the opportunity to lead an amazing group of girls during BLAST (a discipleship weekend at my church) which I hope to be able to do again here in just a few months. Just before that I went through a week of loss where I was hit one right after another with three different deaths over the period of one week. As you all know I started college this past year and while it has been an adventure I truly believe that God has been glorified in my school work and I can't wait to see where He takes me on this unbelievable journey. If you know me than you probably know that I have never been a big fan of change. So when brother Mark came down into my Sunday school one morning to tell us that we were not only getting new teachers but changing EVERYTHING that we normally did, you can imagine that I was one of many that was not too happy. I stuck it out for a little while gave it all a shot and now I couldn't be happier with the change. The Lord is opening up so many opportunities for me through these changes as well as in other areas of my life. Let's also not forget that it wasn't too long ago in the year that I started writing this blog and quite honestly it has turned out better than I expected it to. PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ THIS STUFF! Can you believe it??? =D
I have to say that I truly believe God has started speaking to me more about things in the last six months than the rest of this past year. He has opened up an opportunity for me to overcome somethings with the help of an amazing accountability partner, He has opened my eyes to a few things that He might have for me down the road, He even gave me an amazing boyfriend. Obviously I am not writing out everything because that would be a post far too long to publish but I wanted to share some of these things with you. My pastor has been saying that He is believing 2015 will be a big year for Gardendale First Baptist and I agree with him. I also believe that God is going to do even greater things this year for our college ministry (SUB25), for Great News, through the bible study He has allowed us to start on my hallway at the daycare, and in my life personally. I can't wait to see what He does.
I pray that whoever is reading this will have an amazing new year! That God will open your ears and your eyes to whatever He has for you and that you will claim it as the child of God you are. Don't let anyone stop you from getting what God has in store for you! May the Lord bless you exceeding abundantly!! =D
I have to say that I truly believe God has started speaking to me more about things in the last six months than the rest of this past year. He has opened up an opportunity for me to overcome somethings with the help of an amazing accountability partner, He has opened my eyes to a few things that He might have for me down the road, He even gave me an amazing boyfriend. Obviously I am not writing out everything because that would be a post far too long to publish but I wanted to share some of these things with you. My pastor has been saying that He is believing 2015 will be a big year for Gardendale First Baptist and I agree with him. I also believe that God is going to do even greater things this year for our college ministry (SUB25), for Great News, through the bible study He has allowed us to start on my hallway at the daycare, and in my life personally. I can't wait to see what He does.
I pray that whoever is reading this will have an amazing new year! That God will open your ears and your eyes to whatever He has for you and that you will claim it as the child of God you are. Don't let anyone stop you from getting what God has in store for you! May the Lord bless you exceeding abundantly!! =D
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