Tuesday, June 16, 2015

If He Created That....

Due to being home I joined my family going to the beach. If you have been reading my blogs on here from the beginning, you probably saw the one from last year where I said a little bit about my quite time on the beach. Well, yesterday evening as the sun was getting lower I went out and had my first beach quite time since we got here. It was beautiful and quite eye opening. When I went down there I took my Bible and my journal (and believe me was it hard to open my Bible in that wind). After having set there for probably 10 or 15 minutes I felt God whisper. Now before I tell you what He said, let me share with you this:

For some time now I have been working on seeing myself and everyone around me as the beautiful masterpiece that God has created us to be. Sometimes (more often than not) it is much easier for me to see others as a masterpiece before I can see myself as a masterpiece however I know that is a problem and have been trying to fix it.

With that being said I looked at the waves and the sunset and thought about how beautiful it was, then it hit me... If God created that water, those waves, that beach, that sunset and all of the beauty that is held in each (and He did) than don't you think He made you even more beautiful because while those things are not made in His image, WE ARE.

Don't get me wrong we are not perfect, only God is perfect. Perfection for us, will not be obtained until Jesus returns. However, God did create us as masterpieces. His Word even says so;

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." -Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

You see, we are His masterpiece! My point in saying all of this is that we should first realize that we are HIS and that He calls us His masterpiece. Then with each person that we come into contact with we should see him/her as the masterpiece that he/she is and treat them that way.

So the next time you are at a breathtaking sight whether that for you is a sunset on the beach or the Grand Canyon, remember that yes God created that and all of the beauty that is held in those things, but friend... He also created you and He calls you masterpiece. :) Love you friend!

In Christ,

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