So, as I'm sure you have already noticed, there is a little widget to the right of your screen that says "Go Fund Me". Last month I started the process of filling out an application to be an intern in Ecuador. If you know me, you know how badly I have wanted to get back to Ecuador, if you don't know me, scroll down and there will probably be a post or two talking about it:)
Either way, after almost two years, God has opened a door! However, I need money to go and it is an amount that I can in no way raise on my own in the short amount of time that I have to raise it. What I am asking you to do is
very important. Please take some time and pray, asking God what (if anything) he would have you donate. Then as He lays a number on your heart, I pray that you would come back to this page and click the "gofundme" button to donate that amount. It may be $5 it may be $50 or more. Whatever God lays on your heart. Thank you so much!!!! May the Lord bless you richly!!!
By the way, just a quick little update on Bear. He is a HUGE 2.1 pounds as of the last vet visit and is actually on his way to the vet again today:) He has settled in quite well and is a mostly loving puppy:) Also if you didn't see it this past Sunday, Bear was actually the Fox6 pet pick:) Here are some pictures:)
Before he came to live with us |
Charles and Bear<3 |
Bear "chillin" with mom. Also this was his Fox6 Pet Pic:) |
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