Thursday, January 1, 2015

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015!

So it's a new year. So much has happened in this past year and I honestly feel like it just started. I don't know how your 2014 was but mine was full of heart break, surprises, changes and some amazing moments and I don't think there is a thing I would change because even the bad was made good somehow or another by the Lord. I had the opportunity to lead an amazing group of girls during BLAST (a discipleship weekend at my church) which I hope to be able to do again here in just a few months. Just before that I went through a week of loss where I was hit one right after another with three different deaths over the period of one week. As you all know I started college this past year and while it has been an adventure I truly believe that God has been glorified in my school work and I can't wait to see where He takes me on this unbelievable journey. If you know me than you probably know that I have never been a big fan of change. So when brother Mark came down into my Sunday school one morning to tell us that we were not only getting new teachers but changing EVERYTHING that we normally did, you can imagine that I was one of many that was not too happy. I stuck it out for a little while gave it all a shot and now I couldn't be happier with the change. The Lord is opening up so many opportunities for me through these changes as well as in other areas of my life. Let's also not forget that it wasn't too long ago in the year that I started writing this blog and quite honestly it has turned out better than I expected it to. PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ THIS STUFF! Can you believe it??? =D

I have to say that I truly believe God has started speaking to me more about things in the last six months than the rest of this past year. He has opened up an opportunity for me to overcome somethings with the help of an amazing accountability partner, He has opened my eyes to a few things that He might have for me down the road, He even gave me an amazing boyfriend. Obviously I am not writing out everything because that would be a post far too long to publish but I wanted to share some of these things with you. My pastor has been saying that He is believing 2015 will be a big year for Gardendale First Baptist and I agree with him. I also believe that God is going to do even greater things this year for our college ministry (SUB25), for Great News, through the bible study He has allowed us to start on my hallway at the daycare, and in my life personally. I can't wait to see what He does.

I pray that whoever is reading this will have an amazing new year! That God will open your ears and your eyes to whatever He has for you and that you will claim it as the child of God you are. Don't let anyone stop you from getting what God has in store for you! May the Lord bless you exceeding abundantly!! =D


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