I can't believe it has really been so long since I last posted. There were times that I sat down and typed something up but then I would never finish it or post it... Having a baby has made time pass super fast and made very little time for doing things like this but now we are finally getting some sort of schedule (if you can really call it that) and she is currently taking a nap:) SUCCESS!
So anyway, we had a baby.... wow. My husband and I continuously look at this precious little girl and ask each other how we made such a beautiful little girl to which the other answers "but God"... If you are on my Facebook than you have seen just how beautiful our sweet little daughter is.
People have been asking me how I'm doing and the short of it.... I'm doing okay, mostly tired, extremely happy, but a little sad. The long.... well.... I have good days and bad days.... My blood pressure is too high and then too low a day later, I ended up with postpartum depression so sometimes I feel really down and sad, but at the same time I'm overcome with happiness every time I look at our little girl. I mean.... I didn't know it was possible to love something so tiny so much!
So, with all of that being said, we are taking steps to fix my blood pressure and my PPD, and other than that I'm just enjoying the ride, thanking God continuously for this sweet little gift he has given us.
In other news, we are getting ready to go back to the gym and while I didn't exactly hit my goal weight, at my last doctors appointment I had lost 40 pounds from the beginning of the year. I only gained 10 pounds during my pregnancy (shocker, I know) and then the weight came pouring off after little girl was out! However, I am setting my goal once again, and going to work hard to finish achieving it over the next year.
My word this year was change and oh boy did God give us change. We, of course, had our plans for change.... changing our physical health and our spiritual health, but we never could have imagined the change God had in store for us.... the change of becoming parents....
A lot has happened over this last year, some good things.... but some.... pretty bad things as well... I will say though... if it weren't for God we wouldn't have gotten through any of it, and we wouldn't be handling parenthood very well, I'm sure. Here we are though.
I'm so thankful for the changes that God has brought about this year. Some things I'm a little more thankful for, like becoming a mom... other things I'm thankful that one day God may allow me to see why he brought such changes about... either way, I'm thankful. I look forward to seeing what word He places on my heart for 2019 and what comes from it.
Well anyway, thanks for reading. Hopefully my next post will be sooner rather than later, but who knows...
God bless,
Kelcy J.
It will get better. Surgery does the same to me. As you said God helps us remember He is in control. so happy for you and your husband. So proud you have wonderful parents too. Love ya