Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Blizzard of 2017

That's right I said it. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not but at least some one finally said it. Let's face it people when it comes to the weather we may or may not have this weekend, everyone but God is clueless. Mickey Ferguson doesn't know, James Spann doesn't know, JP Dice doesn't know.... HECK! Their radars don't know either.

So... I am claiming The Blizzard of 2017. I've got my milk, I've got my bread (and no I didn't go crazy, I just needed them when I got groceries lol).

On the bright side. This will be my first time getting to play in the snow with my husband (if it actually snows). I know, I know.... sappy....

You know.... you chose to read this post..... why is that exactly...? I mean come on, you know I'm a newly wed. Anyway.... I see a lot of Chilli, Netflix, Coffee and Hot Tea in my future with my sweet hubby.

So... from my household to yours... CALM DOWN!!!!! It's all going to be okay. If you see a snow flurry just remain calm. If you are out and you can go home. Just slowly gather your things, return to your form of transportation, and make your way very very CALMLY back to your home. It will all be okay. Enjoy some time home with your family, a nice movie, a hot beverage and maybe a cozy pair of pajamas.

If the power goes out. Again, REMAIN CALM just take one of your many loaves of bread, pull the bread apart in a bowl and take one of your many gallons of milk, and pour it over the bread, then dig in:) That's what your supposed to do.... right...?

Yeah.... I'll just be over here with my nice bowl of hot chilli:) Stay warm everybody and remember.... STAY CALM.

Until the Blizzard is Gone,
Kelcy J.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hello Emily, If you have read my blog then you will know that I have a strong Christian faith, and it is my belief based on the Word of God that the transgender lifestyle is against God, and while as a Christian I am called to love people I am not called to condone a sinful lifestyle therefore I am deleting your post. I hope you will understand. Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns you may have at

      Have a blessed day,
