Wow... So two weeks ago, I got to marry my best friend. That's right! FINALLY!!! We had an absolutely beautiful wedding surrounded by most everyone we loved. Afterwards we got to head off to our honeymoon and then a week later, we came home and God decided to give us a crash course in the whole "in sickness" part of marriage.
Charles has been horribly sick this entire week. Fevers reaching to 104, throwing up, coughing, the whole nine yards, and so I got a crash course in taking care of him. I learned (and so did he) that he likes tomato soup. SCORE 1 FOR CAMPBELL'S!!! There have been a lot of prayers and frustration but thank God, his fever hasn't been above 100 today. In fact, he has seemed more like himself than ever today but one problem remains prominent.
Charles has pain in his chest right where his sternum is when he swallows food or drink. It doesn't get stuck or anything like that but the pain is severe. Because of it, he actually hasn't really eaten in two days. He has been pretty good about keeping up with drinking water though.
So here is what I would like to ask of everyone who reads this (and I realize that some of you are on my Facebook and already know what has been going on) but will you all please take some time to pray for him. Pray that God would heal what ever is causing the pain when he swallows so that he can eat.
I have never had to take care of someone like this when they were sick. Watching him hurt the way he is and watching him being so miserable breaks my heart in a hundred different ways. I want him to get better so we can go back to enjoying our new life together as husband and wife. I want him to get well enough to eat again (specifically hot dogs because that's what he has been wanting lol).
So please, as you go throughout your day for the next several days, will you pray for Charles? Will you ask God to take away that pain so he can eat again? We would both be very appreciative.
May the Lord bless you all! Thank you in advanced for your prayers:)
-Kelcy J.
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