So I received some big news recently and if you have me on Facebook you likely already know what that big news is. However for those of you that don't know, I have been accepted into the college of theology at Grand Canyon University. I will start online classes in August. I am excited and nervous but I honestly feel like this is where God wants me. I am so ready to get all of the final details done so I can start classes. I know that God is going to use these classes to teach me more than I could ever learn on my own about His word and take me places that I couldn't go otherwise. I hope that you will pray for me during this time and be understanding as I am sure posts will become fewer here and on Great News!!!!! while I am at least doing my core classes like math.... oh the dread of college level math.
In other news, as I start the adventures of college classes my whole family is starting another adventure. We are getting ready to take in a girl from Norway who will stay with us while she attends school here. As exciting as this is, our house has been submerged into chaos. We are cleaning stuff out of the guest room for her, cleaning up, and cleaning out. Dad is swapping out our broken dishwasher for a not so broken dishwasher. We still have a few things to go through like home interviews and stuff but I am slowly realizing that this is actually happening. I'm very excited to meet and get to know this girl and I know that God will take care of everything with her coming and me starting school.
Thanks so much for all of your continued prayers and by the way, I am very happy to announce that the NPS (New Puppy Syndorm) has finally come to an end. I will post pictures of the adorable ball of fur soon! Until then, may God bless you richly my sweet friend =D
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