Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Doctors/blog name

I have spent almost all day at doctors today. Had blood work last week that they wanted to redo today, they didn't send the order so I had to wait for that after the 40 minutes I waited to see my ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) doctor, go get an x-ray for him, wait for the results on that. I tried to remind myself constantly throughout the day that if I want to be more like Jesus that I need to remember that Jesus would be patient. I tried my best to smile and shine brightly in the waiting room. I read some of my bible, silently talked with God and even managed to not cause a scene. I think considering the ridiculous waiting time AFTER they had already taken me back and the constant swapping from one place to another to another floor and back, my efforts can be considered accomplishments today. 

This probably all sounds pretty bad but all in all I feel like I shined through some darkness today. I feel like, finding strength in God, His light in me kept burning. Which reminds me, it occurred to me today that there is no explanation for all of you on why the link to this blog is Luke 11:36, so I thought that I could maybe clarify. 

Luke 11:36 says: "If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light." I absolutely love this verse, far more than anyone could ever imagine. I pray everyday and every night that if God is willing He will allow this to be a description of me. I pray it over the worship ministry at my church as well and probably a whole lot of other people too:) I do that because my mentor has this description. This verse is a perfect explanation of what others and myself see when we look at her. I've seen her faith and I strive to have that kind of faith.  I want to Shine Through the Darkness  like a floodlight

Now if you will excuse me, after my long day I am going to eat dinner with my family and spend some time watching a movie with a friend. May God bless you on this wonderful night:)

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