Tuesday, February 6, 2018


That's right! PROGRESS! =D I am so excited to let everyone know that our hard work at the gym has started paying off! People have been telling me that I've lost weight and while I appreciated the compliments I didn't see it and couldn't believe it. Well.... I got on a scale and I have lost..... 20 POUNDS!!!!! That's right! 20 POUNDS!!!!

I was ecstatic after I was told the scale was indeed right. I thought it was broken! Nope! I may not see it looking at the pictures but they say the person losing won't see it for a while so I'll just have to trust the scales and others on this one.

For those of you keeping up, that means I now have 110 more pounds to lose out of my 130 pound goal. I am so excited and though I do want to lose weight this journey is worth it if only for how much better I feel.

Our journey to change has continued on quite a path since the first day of the New Year. We have been doing our Bible study at night along with reading The 5 Love Languages; we have been regularly going to the gym and working hard while there; we have been eating better for the most part (we are not perfect); we have been at church every Sunday and have only missed our class twice; and a few other changes have made their way into our lives by the grace of God that we will keep off of the blog (sorry!).

In other news! I would like everyone that reads this to be praying for a change that the Lord may bring into our lives this year that we are incredibly excited and nervous for! We aren't really talking to anyone about it except a few people that we have praying with us and those that have brought this opportunity to our attention. The Lord knows the cries of our hearts in this area and we are simply praying that He will allow everything to work out in our favor. Thank you in advance for the prayers, hopefully we will have answers soon!

As always I appreciate the continued support. I apologize for not being able to post a lot in the last several weeks, it's been incredibly busy. I can't wait to have another update about my weight for you all! I'm feeling good and going to keep working hard =D

I won't bore you with all of the pictures in between, however here is the most recent gym picture of Charles and I :) Sorry it's a bit fuzzy, the little seal band in my Lifeproof is loose and managed to come over the camera a bit. God bless!

Until next time!
-Kelcy J.