Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Quick Post About the Thunderstorm

If you've been reading this blog long enough or if you know me well enough, then you probably know how much I love thunderstorms. In fact, if you are in one of the previously mentioned categories you are actually probably sick of hearing (or reading) about my love of thunderstorms and it's okay. I get it. I know I mention it a good bit.

Tonight, I wasn't expecting a thunderstorm and ended up in Yogurt Mountain for a good while waiting out what I think was probably the worst of it. Now, as I get ready to go to bed, I listen to the sounds of thunder roll across the skies. I watch as my window lights up over and over with the magnificent flashes of lightning and I am at peace.

As I said in the title, this is a quick post, because I mentioned above I am going to bed. However, I wanted to be sure to share a verse that I've shared before out of Job. Well... more like a passage.

"My heart pounds as I think of this. It trembles within me. Listen carefully to the thunder of God's voice as it rolls from his mouth. It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes in every direction. Then comes the roaring of the thunder--the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain it when he speaks. God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We can't even imagine the greatness of his power." - Job 37:1-5 (NLT)

I know I am among many that sleep peacefully during thunderstorms but I pray tonight that everyone, whether you usually sleep peacefully during thunderstorms or not, would rest easy with this verse on their hearts. May the Lord bless you richly. Goodnight:)

Right Where I Don't Belong

I have a song on my phone called Where I Don't Belong. As I listen to this song on repeat tonight I am caught up in this moment, where God has once again met me where I don't belong, just like He has so many times before. The words in this song say that He meets me where I don't belong, asks no questions and embraces me as His own.

When I hear this specific part, I think about the prodigal son and how when he came home, the father didn't ask him questions about where he was or what he had been doing. He simply embraced his son enthusiastically and welcomed him back as his own.

So tonight I am listening to this song on repeat, as God does some serious open heart surgery. As He works on my heart that has recently been so filled with doubt, uncertainty, confusion, and lies that I have sat down and let the enemy pour in. I have been lazy in my faith and I am paying the price in the distance I feel between me and God right now.

Don't get me wrong. I know that God has not put the distance there I have, I know that God has not put the wall up, or stepped away... I have. No, God has continued to chase and purse, and call. I have just been too wrapped up in doubt to listen. I have sat down on the sidelines of the race, watching everyone else as they run.... I've been sitting there with the enemy sitting right beside me filling my head and heart with lies that dug deep into my heart. Allowing him to pull me away without even putting up so much as a fight and becoming too tired to try.

I don't belong on the sidelines. No Christian does. They belong in the race. The race that Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians. I have been where I don't belong for too long. So now I sit here with my heart open before God, His hands deep at work within.

Why am I posting this? Because I know I'm not alone. There are other believers out there who have sat down somewhere they don't belong. There are other believers who have become so tired that they've stopped running and they are now listening to the lies of the enemy as their hearts fill with darkness and the distance between them and the Lord grows. With each lie their bodies are growing weaker, their eyes are getting heavier, and their breath is getting more shallow.

I'm posting this to tell them to GET UP! GET UP DEAR BELIEVER!!!! Don't let the enemy feed you lies anymore! Don't let him take your strength anymore! Don't let him sedate you! Don't let him steal your joy! Don't let him kill you! Don't you realize that is what he is doing??? He is killing you!

So STAND UP with me dear believer! We have been sitting on the sideline so long that we have gotten out of shape, it's not going to be easy to get back into the race but we have to. We have to start running again... but in order to do that we have to bring everything to God. He already knows, you aren't going to surprise Him with anything.... but you have to bring it ALL to Him. Don't withhold anything! It's time.... today is the day.... right now....

God may have to do some open heart surgery on you like He is having to do on me... it's not easy, and it's going to be painful but He is going to do so with love.

Remember, you're not alone.... I've been right where I don't belong and I can testify... God can pull you out... But you have to be willing....