Saturday, December 5, 2015

I've Forgotton...

When I was little one of my favorite things to do was to write. As I got older the love continued to increase. I would write little short stories and as time went on they got longer, always fiction. As you can tell (at least if you read my Great News) I still enjoy to write. Enough that I have chosen it as a main part of my ministry...

However, with all of that being said... I have forgotten how to write for pleasure. When I write now I approach each piece with a plan or a strategy of just how everything needs to be within the piece of writing. I'm not saying that this is a bad way to approach writing, especially when it comes to doing so professionally. But at that point even if you are enjoying that writing, just as I enjoy writing devotionals for Great News, there is always a piece of your brain that recognizes it as business. This blog is for pleasure. This is a blog I created to not be bound to any commitment, but to simply just write what I wanted, how I wanted about my life, personally. Obviously, if you've been following this blog for any length of time you've probably noticed that it has been a good while since my last post. In fact it seems that with each post the time in between then just keeps getting longer. I haven't had time, haven't really had much to write about I guess, but mainly I just criticize and critique every little things to death.

More and more often I stop and think about how much I miss writing for pleasure. Growing up, I always wanted to be an author. I wanted to write books for a living, and while I may never do that the way I though I would, I can at least blog about my life with pleasure. Stop holding back because I feel like it's not interesting enough. Stop hesitating because maybe it's too short. Stop critiquing every little piece as if it were more than just a personal blog. So what if no one reads this. I can still write it. Maybe one person in the world who finds themselves awake and unable to sleep late one night will stumble across and find some humor or even better find some hope.

In the last few weeks, as I have remembered how much I used to love just writing for fun, I've sat down and attempted to work on some old, unfinished stories. I've tried to start new ones. Each time balling up pieces of paper or wearing out my delete button. So maybe I won't write stories anymore. Maybe I will just stick to this blog. One way or another, I think it is time for me to stop forgetting and start remembering.

So now I am asking for your help. You reader. You one person unable to sleep for whatever reason.... I need you to remind me that it's okay to write for fun. Sometimes the subject will be serious because there are serious things going on. Sometimes the subject will be funny, or confusing, or completely random. Sometimes it will be sad, and sometimes it will be happy... but if I start to forget again... will you remind me? I sure would appreciate it.

We all have a lot going on in the world. Busy jobs, busy lives, busy business to attend to, but no matter how busy things get we all should have that outlet. That thing we love that we can always go back to. So I'm going to try to start refreshing my memory. See you soon.
