Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Upside to Sick Days

Well, if you know me than you know I have spent the last soon to be three days at home sick. I left work early on Monday and haven't been back and won't be back tomorrow. The upside to having a few days off sick is that I can spend A LOT of time talking to God and getting in His word:) Especially since my family quarantines me to my room (with good reason). It is also a good time to watch re-runs on Netflix... However the first is better than the second and both would be MUCH better were it not for being sick. 

Is this making any since... Sorry if it's not.... I'm excused because I'm sick=P BESIDES, this is going to be a pretty short post...

Anyway, just thought if you get sick or are sick and you are reading this that maybe you would think to sit down and spend some time with God. It's really nice. He can make you feel better even when your sick. God is starting to heal me spiritually and hopefully He will do so physically as well... soon! I'm off tomorrow to get some shots that will hopefully help this go away faster:) In the mean time... I shall go to bed. Goodnight my sweet brothers and sisters!!!! May our sweet Abba Father bless you richly!!!!!! =D

P.S. Did I mention sick days are good for blogging?? Well.... they are. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

And The Excitement Grows...

Today was somewhere around our 3rd Skype call with Sofie and her family. The day of her arrival is approaching quickly and we can hardly wait to pick her up from the airport. Out of the new adventures that are about to start I think this may be the most exciting one. The closer it gets to her arrival day the more excited we all get to welcome her into our family. I can't wait to see what ways God uses her and us in the months to come. I know that we are going to get to share a lot of experiences together:) 

Along with that and getting excited for school I was given a new thing to be excited about today. A friend of mine from church just got back from a two month mission trip to Ecuador (my favorite place). She came into Sunday school this morning and told me something that warmed my heart, Axel (the little boy I love so very much in Ecuador) along with his family kept asking her about me:) Then, she told me that Axel's dad will be sending her a gift in the mail to give to me. I am excited and at the same time my heart is overwhelmed with love for this family there:) I never knew it was possible to love a family so much that lives so far away and that I only knew in person for 3 days. I can't wait to go back and see them if the Lord is willing and called me home yet:)

Have you ever had experiences like these? Hosted an exchange student, or had a family in a different country? I'd love to hear about it so please comment below:) 

By the way, I would like to ask you all to pray for a friend of mine named Erick. Erick and I are pen pals but we are also brother and sister in Christ. He is leaving for basic training tomorrow. He has asked me to pray that God will keep him safe but also that he will keep God first, be able to share the gospel with people he comes into contact with, and resist the temptations that will be thrown at him. Thank you so much for lifting this brother up!

May God bless you immeasurably my friends. Until next time... :)

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Luke 9:23-27 (The Message)

"Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: 'Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat      I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? If any of you is embarrassed with me and the way I'm leading you, know that the Son of Man will be far more embarrassed with you when he arrives in all his splendor in company with the Father and the holy angels. This isn't, you realize, pie in the sky by and by. Some who have taken their stand right here are going to see it happen, see with their own eyes the kingdom of God.'" -Luke 9:23-27 (MSG)

Wow! I love the blunt way that is put in the first sentence. "You're not in the driver's seat      I am". For some reason we (myself included sometimes) grab the wheel and want to drive, staying in control and then after we have "wrecked", which is what happens every time we try to take control we look up and say "Why God?" when the truth is, it's not God's fault that we didn't give Him the steering wheel to begin with! I pray this passage speaks to you like it has to me tonight. While the other translations are good, The Message is my favorite for this passage:) 

Just thought I'd share this with you. May God bless you with a wonderful night in Him. Let HIM lead you my sweet brothers and sisters. Goodnight!! =D

Take Me to The King

We had a woman come and sing at our church last night with a BEAUTIFUL voice and the songs she sang touched my heart. Her name is Amber Eppinette from 11th Hour. She sang one of their newer songs called "Saints are Born" it was so very powerful and its $0.99 on iTunes:) However, the other song that really moved me was called "Take Me to The King". I needed to hear this song more than anything last night. I posted it below for your listening pleasure and I pray that you will listen and be blessed:) May our King bless you beyond measure my friend:)

Monday, July 7, 2014


I have decided that I need to study this name of God hard. As August quickly approaches fear has started welling up inside of me about everything included with the college experience. Student loans, debt that comes with student loans, tuition, scholarships that may never happen and I have found myself more and more stressed over the subject of finances when it comes to school. However, I looked up from my desk to this wonderful yellow piece of card stock that was handed out to the choir a while back that has the names of the Lord. 

Jehovah-Shammah - Jehovah is there. (Ezekiel 48:35)

As I study this name of God I pray that He will help me to remember that He has gone before me and He is already there. He already knows what's going to happen and He will be with me every step of the way leading me to a place He is already at. I pray that He will remind me that He is with me everywhere that I go, and that no circumstance is bigger than God. 

I just thought I would share some of my heart with you tonight and I thank you for reading through this. I want to ask that you would join me in praying for all of these things and however else you might like to pray:) Prayer is powerful!!! If you would like, please feel free to comment with any words of encouragement that you may have, they would be more than welcome and I could always use the encouragement:). I thank God for you my dear brothers and sisters in Christ:) May He who holds our tomorrows bless you beyond measure. 


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Christmas in July

So I have confession to make. Around July every year I get a secret urge to listen to Christmas music... YES I KNOW, I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE!!! Here we are, we've just celebrated the 4th of July and I am hunting down Christmas in July stations. So far I haven't found any so, I've added a station to my Pandora for Christmas music and yes, I am listening to it as I type this post. I have so much to look forward to when it comes to Christmas. The church Christmas program, the music, doing Christmas related stuff at the day care, the music, hot chocolate in the freezing cold weather, the music, the Christmas lights and oh yeah did I mention the music! =D okay, okay. I am just the slightest bit crazy but God made me this way and I am okay with it. With my mid-year longing comes thoughts of what Christmas may be like this year. Yes I know that we are not promised tomorrow let alone Christmas but it's nice to still think about it. However, my point is, it occurred to me that my family will be celebrating Christmas this year with an extra member. The exchange student that we will be hosting for this school year will be here for Christmas. Though I don't know her yet I look forward to getting to know her and I am especially excited to celebrate such a wonderful holiday with her. 

It's hard to believe that we are already on the 7 month of the year 2014. I feel like we just started this year and yet we are already half way through it. Anyway, I pray that all is well in your life. May the Lord bless you and keep you my friend:) I hope you enjoyed this random post. I love you in Jesus! I am going to go finish my night out with some more Christmas music. Goodnight! =) 

P.S. I would love to hear from you if you are like me and listening to Christmas music in July:) Drop me a comment!! =D